Library Waterproof.Tactics.Because

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Local Ltac2 check_wrong_prop_specified (user_type:constr) (coq_type:constr) :=
 match Constr.equal user_type coq_type with
    | true => ()
    | false => throw (concat_list
      [of_string "Property "; of_constr user_type; of_string " should be ";
       of_constr coq_type; of_string "."])

Destruct an AND hypothesis into its respective two parts if the types of the respective parts are correctly specified.
  • s: ident, the ident of the AND hypothesis.
  • u: ident option, optional name of the first part of s.
  • tu : constr, specified type of the first part of s.
  • v: ident option, optional name of the second part of s.
  • tv : constr, specified type of the second part of s.
  • splits s into its two respective parts.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the specified type tu or tv is not actually the type of u or v resp.

Local Ltac2 and_hypothesis_destruct_with_types (s:ident) (u:ident option) (tu:constr) (v:ident option) (tv:constr) :=
  let s_val := Control.hyp s in
  let copy := Fresh.in_goal @copy in
  pose $s_val as copy;
  let copy_val := Control.hyp copy in
  let uu := match u with
    | None => Fresh.in_goal @_Ha
    | Some u => u
  let vv := match v with
    | None => Fresh.in_goal @_Hb
    | Some v => v
  destruct $copy_val as [$uu $vv];
  let type_u := get_value_of_hyp_id uu in
  check_wrong_prop_specified tu type_u;

  let type_v := get_value_of_hyp_id vv in
  check_wrong_prop_specified tv type_v.

Ltac2 Notation "Because" "(" s(ident) ")" "both" tu(constr) u(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) "and" tv(constr) v(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) w(opt("hold")) :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  and_hypothesis_destruct_with_types s u tu v tv.

Destruct an OR hypothesis into its respective two parts if the types of the respective parts are correctly specified. Wraps the goal for both parts.
  • s: ident, the ident of the OR hypothesis.
  • u: ident option, optional name of the first part of s.
  • tu : constr, specified type of the first part of s.
  • v: ident option, optional name of the second part of s.
  • tv : constr, specified type of the second part of s.
  • splits s into its two respective parts. Wraps the goal for both parts in the Case.Wrapper wrapper.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the specified type tu or tv is not actually the type of u or v resp.
Local Ltac2 or_hypothesis_destruct_with_types (s:ident) (u:ident option) (tu:constr) (v:ident option) (tv: constr) :=
  let s_val := Control.hyp s in
  let copy := Fresh.in_goal @copy in
  pose $s_val as copy;
  let copy_val := Control.hyp copy in
  let uu := match u with
    | None => Fresh.in_goal @_Ha
    | Some u => u
  let vv := match v with
    | None => Fresh.in_goal @_Hb
    | Some v => v
  destruct $copy_val as [$uu | $vv];
  Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
    let type_u := get_value_of_hyp_id uu in
    check_wrong_prop_specified tu type_u;
    apply (Case.unwrap $type_u)
  Control.focus 2 2 (fun () =>
    let type_v := get_value_of_hyp_id vv in
    check_wrong_prop_specified tv type_v;
    apply (Case.unwrap $type_v)

Ltac2 Notation "Because" "(" s(ident) ")" "either" tu(constr) u(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) "or" tv(constr) v(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) w(opt("holds")) :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  or_hypothesis_destruct_with_types s u tu v tv.