Library Waterproof.Tactics.BothDirections
Split the proof of an if and only if statement into both of its directions, wraps both resulting goals in a StateGoal.Wrapper.
Raises fatal exceptions:
- no arguments
- splits the if and only if statement into its both directions.
- wraps both goals in a StateGoal.Wrapper.
- If the goal is not an if and only if goal.
Ltac2 both_statements_iff () :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- _ <-> _] => split; Control.enter (fun () => apply StateGoal.unwrap)
| [ |- _ ] => throw (Message.of_string "The goal is not to show an `if and only if`-statement, try another approach.")
Ltac2 Notation "We" "show" "both" "directions" :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
both_statements_iff ().
Ltac2 Notation "We" "prove" "both" "directions" :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
both_statements_iff ().
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- _ <-> _] => split; Control.enter (fun () => apply StateGoal.unwrap)
| [ |- _ ] => throw (Message.of_string "The goal is not to show an `if and only if`-statement, try another approach.")
Ltac2 Notation "We" "show" "both" "directions" :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
both_statements_iff ().
Ltac2 Notation "We" "prove" "both" "directions" :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
both_statements_iff ().