Library Waterproof.Tactics.BothDirections

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.

Require Export Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Split the proof of an if and only if statement into both of its directions, wraps both resulting goals in a StateGoal.Wrapper.
  • no arguments
  • splits the if and only if statement into its both directions.
  • wraps both goals in a StateGoal.Wrapper.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the goal is not an if and only if goal.
Ltac2 both_statements_iff () :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [ |- _ <-> _] => split; Control.enter (fun () => apply StateGoal.unwrap)
    | [ |- _ ] => throw (Message.of_string "The goal is not to show an `if and only if`-statement, try another approach.")

Ltac2 Notation "We" "show" "both" "directions" :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  both_statements_iff ().

Ltac2 Notation "We" "prove" "both" "directions" :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  both_statements_iff ().