Library Waterproof.Util.Binders

From Ltac2 Require Import Ltac2.
From Ltac2 Require Import Message.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Local Ltac2 check_binder (b : binder) (candidate_name : ident) :=
  match b with
| None => ()
| Some binder_name =>
    let fresh_binder_name := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal () ) binder_name in
    if Bool.neg (Ident.equal fresh_binder_name candidate_name) then
    warn (concat_list [of_string "Expected variable name "; of_ident fresh_binder_name;
        of_string " instead of "; of_ident candidate_name;
        of_string "."])
    else ()

Check whether the provided variable name candidate_name corresponds to the first expected binder name in expr.
Warns in case of a mismatch.
  • expr: constr, the expression in which a binder occurs of which the name should be checked.
  • candidate_name : ident, the candidate name for the binder
Ltac2 check_binder_name (expr : constr) (candidate_name : ident) :=
  match (Constr.Unsafe.kind expr) with
  | Constr.Unsafe.Lambda b _ => check_binder b candidate_name
  | Constr.Unsafe.Prod b _=> check_binder b candidate_name
  | _ => ()