Library Waterproof.Chains.Manipulation

From Ltac2 Require Import Ltac2.
From Ltac2 Require Option.

Require Import Inequalities.
Require Export Notations.Sets.

Writes out an inequality chain as a big conjunction.
Ltac2 simpl_ineq_chains () :=
  progress (repeat (
    match! goal with
      | [ h : total_statement _ |- _ ] =>
        cbn in $h

Iteratively splits all conjunctions in the hypothesis into individual statements.
Ltac2 split_conjunctions () :=
    match! goal with
      | [h : _ /\ _ |- _] =>
        let h_val := Control.hyp h in
        let h1 := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal () ) @__wp__hl in
        let h2 := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal () ) @__wp__hr in
        destruct $h_val as [$h1 $h2]

Writes out membership of a subset x : A as satisfying A's defining predicate P x, where .
Ltac2 simpl_member_subset () :=
  progress (repeat (
    match! goal with
      | [ h : (pred _ _) _ |- _ ] => simpl in $h
      | [ |- _ ] => ()