Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.ContinuityDomainR

Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.

Require Import Notations.
Require Import Tactics.
Require Import Waterproof.Automation.

Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.
Waterproof Enable Automation Intuition.

Open Scope R_scope.

Definition is_accumulation_point (a : R) :=
  for all ε : R, (ε > 0)
    there exists x : R, 0 < |x - a| < ε.

Definition is_isolated_point (a : R) :=
  there exists ε : R, (ε > 0)
    (for all x : R, |x - a| = 0 (ε |x - a|)).

Definition limit_in_point (f : R R) (a : R) (q : R) :=
 for all ε : R, (ε > 0)
   there exists δ : R, (δ > 0)
     (for all x : R,
       (0 < |x - a| < δ) (|(f x) - q| < ε)).

Definition is_continuous_in (f : R R) (a : R) :=
  ((is_accumulation_point a) (limit_in_point f a (f a))) (is_isolated_point a).

Lemma every_point_in_R_acc_point_R (a : R) :
  is_accumulation_point a.
  We need to show that ( r : R, r > 0 x : R, 0 < | x - a | < r).
  Take r : R.
  Assume that (r > 0).
  Choose x := (a + r/2).
  It holds that (| x - a | < r).
  It holds that (| x - a | > 0).
  We conclude that (0 < | x - a | < r).

Theorem alt_char_continuity :
   h : R R, a : R,
    is_continuous_in h a ε : R, ε > 0 δ : R, (δ > 0) ( x : R, 0 < | x - a | < δ | h(x) - h(a) | < ε).
  Take h : (R R).
  Take a : R.
  We show both directions.
  * We need to show that (is_continuous_in(h, a) for all ε : ,
      ε > 0 there exists δ : ,
        δ > 0 (for all x : ,
        0 < |x - a| < δ |h(x) - h(a)| < ε)).
    Assume that (is_continuous_in h a).
    Either ((is_accumulation_point a) (limit_in_point h a (h a))) or (is_isolated_point a).
    + Case ((is_accumulation_point a) (limit_in_point h a (h a))).
      Take ε : R.
      Assume that (ε > 0).
      It holds that (there exists δ1 : R, (δ1 > 0)
        (for all x : R,
          (0 < |x - a| < δ1) (|(h x) - (h a)| < ε))).
      Obtain such a δ1.
      Choose δ := (δ1).
      We show both statements.
      - We conclude that (δ > 0).
      - We conclude that (for all x : ,
      0 < |x - a| < δ |h(x) - h(a)| < ε).
    + Case (is_isolated_point a).
      It holds that (there exists ε : , ε > 0 (for all x : , |x - a| = 0 ε |x - a|)).
      Obtain such an ε.
      It holds that (ε > 0).
      Define z := (a + ε / 2).
      It holds that (|z - a| = 0 \/ ε | z - a |) (ii).
      destruct ii.
      - It holds that (| z - a | > 0).
      - It holds that (| z - a| < ε).
  * We need to show that ((for all ε : ,
      ε > 0 there exists δ : ,
        δ > 0 (for all x : ,
          0 < |x - a| < δ |h(x) - h(a)| < ε)) is_continuous_in(h, a)).
    Assume that ((for all ε : ,
    ε > 0 there exists δ : ,
      δ > 0 (for all x : ,
        0 < |x - a| < δ |h(x) - h(a)| < ε))).
    unfold is_continuous_in.
    We need to show that (is_accumulation_point(a) limit_in_point(h, a, h(a)) is_isolated_point(a)).
    It suffices to show that (is_accumulation_point(a) limit_in_point(h, a, h(a)) ).
    We show both statements.
    + By (every_point_in_R_acc_point_R) we conclude that (is_accumulation_point a).
    + We conclude that (limit_in_point(h, a, h a)).

#[export] Hint Resolve -> alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.

Notation "a 'is' 'an' '_accumulation' 'point_'" := (is_accumulation_point a) (at level 68).

Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'accumulation' 'point'" := (is_accumulation_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).

Local Ltac2 unfold_acc_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_accumulation_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") false x.

Notation "a 'is' 'an' '_isolated' 'point_'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68).

Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'isolated' 'point'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).

Local Ltac2 unfold_isol_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_isolated_point in $statement.

Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") false x.

Notation "'_limit_' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point f a L) (at level 68).

Notation "'limit' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point f a L) (at level 68, only parsing).

Local Ltac2 unfold_lim_in_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold limit_in_point in $statement.

Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") false x.

Notation "f 'is' '_continuous_' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in f a) (at level 68).

Notation "f 'is' 'continuous' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in f a) (at level 68, only parsing).

Local Ltac2 unfold_is_cont (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_continuous_in in $statement.

Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") false x.

Close Scope R_scope.