Library Waterproof.Tactics.Contradiction

Require Import Classical.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Init.
Local Ltac2 get_type (x: constr) : constr := eval unfold type_of in (type_of $x).

Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Waterprove.

Starts a proof by contradiction.
  • no arguments.
  • Replaces the goal G by its double negation ¬ ¬ G.
Ltac2 contra () :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [ |- ?x] =>
      apply (NNPP $x);
      apply (ByContradiction.unwrap (not $x))

Attempts to solve the goal by finding a contradiction to the previous statement.
  • no arguments.
  • If last hypothesis is of the form ~P, tries to find a proof of P and finish the proof with the resulting contradiction.
  • If last hypothesis is of the form P, tries to find a proof of ~P and finish the proof with the resulting contradiction.
  • Throws an error if no hypohteses, or if last hypothesis cannot be negated.

Ltac2 contradiction () :=
  lazy_match! goal with
  | [ id_h : _ |- _ ] =>
    let h := Control.hyp id_h in
    let prop_h := get_type h in
    let id_contra := Fresh.in_goal @_Hcontra in
    lazy_match! prop_h with
    | ~ ?p =>
      match (fun () =>
        assert $p as $id_contra by
          (waterprove 5 true Main))
      | Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (concat_list
        [of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."])
      | Err exn => exn
      | Val _ =>
        let p := Control.hyp id_contra in
        apply False_rect;
        exact ($h $p)
    | ?p =>
      match (fun () =>
        assert (~ $p) as $id_contra)
      | Err exn => throw (concat_list
        [of_string "Previous statement cannot be negated."])
      | Val _ =>
        match (fun () => Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
          (waterprove 5 true Main)))
        | Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (concat_list
          [of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."])
        | Err exn => exn
        | Val _ =>
          let not_p := Control.hyp id_contra in
          apply False_rect;
          exact ($not_p $h)
  | [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "No statement to contradict.")

Ltac2 Notation "We" "argue" "by" "contradiction" := contra ().

Ltac2 Notation "Contradiction" :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  contradiction ().

Ltac2 Notation "↯" :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  contradiction ().