Library Waterproof.Util.Init

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.

Used to indicate that an a part of an Ltac2 function is not reachable
Ltac2 Type exn ::= [ Unreachable(string) ].

Throw an Unreachable exception
Ltac2 unreachable (message: string) :=
  Control.throw (Unreachable message).

Gallina function mapping a term to its type.
  • T:type, any type
  • x:T, a term of a generic type T.
  • T, the type of x.
Definition type_of {T : Type} (x : T) := T.

Given an optional lemma, either returns the lemma itself, or case the argument is None, returns a dummy lemma (I : True).
  • lemma: constr option, one of the following:
    • a constr referring to a lemma, wrapped in Some.
    • the value None
  • constr: the provided lemma, or dummy_lemma in case the input was None. dummy_lemma simply states that 0=0.
Ltac2 unwrap_optional_lemma (lemma: constr option) :=
  match lemma with
    | None => constr:(I)
    | Some y => y