Library Waterproof.Tactics.ItSuffices
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Since.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Util.TypeCorrector.
Require Import Waterprove.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.
Attempts to prove that proposed goal is enough to show current goal.
If succesful, replaces current goal by proposed goal.
Local Ltac2 wp_enough (new_goal : constr) :=
let err_msg := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that it suffices to show "; of_constr new_goal; of_string "."] in
match (fun () =>
let new_goal := correct_type_by_wrapping new_goal in
enough $new_goal by (waterprove 5 true Main))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve _) => throw err_msg
| Err exn => exn
let err_msg := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that it suffices to show "; of_constr new_goal; of_string "."] in
match (fun () =>
let new_goal := correct_type_by_wrapping new_goal in
enough $new_goal by (waterprove 5 true Main))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve _) => throw err_msg
| Err exn => exn
Attempts to prove that proposed goal is enough to show current goal,
given an additional lemma that has to be used in said proof.
If succesful, replaces current goal by proposed goal.
Local Ltac2 core_wp_enough_by (new_goal : constr) (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
let err_msg := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that it suffices to show "; of_constr new_goal; of_string "."] in
match (fun () =>
let new_goal := correct_type_by_wrapping new_goal in
enough $new_goal by
(rwaterprove 5 true Main xtr_lemma))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve _) => throw err_msg
| Err exn => exn
let err_msg := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that it suffices to show "; of_constr new_goal; of_string "."] in
match (fun () =>
let new_goal := correct_type_by_wrapping new_goal in
enough $new_goal by
(rwaterprove 5 true Main xtr_lemma))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve _) => throw err_msg
| Err exn => exn
Adaptation of core_wp_enough_by that turns the FailedToUse errors
which might be thrown into user readable errors.
Local Ltac2 wp_enough_by (claim : constr) (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
wrapper_core_by_tactic (core_wp_enough_by claim) xtr_lemma.
wrapper_core_by_tactic (core_wp_enough_by claim) xtr_lemma.
Adaptation of core_wp_assert_by that allows user to use mathematical statements themselves
instead of references to them as extra information for the automation system.
Uses the code in Since.v.
Local Ltac2 wp_enough_since (claim : constr) (xtr_claim : constr) :=
since_framework (core_wp_enough_by claim) xtr_claim.
Local Ltac2 wp_enough_by_admit (claim : constr) :=
enough $claim by admit;
warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to prove that";
of_string " it suffices to show that ";
of_constr claim]).
Ltac2 Notation "It" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough statement.
Ltac2 Notation "By" xtr_lemma(constr) "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_by statement xtr_lemma.
Ltac2 Notation "Since" xtr_claim(constr) "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_since statement xtr_claim.
Ltac2 Notation "By" "magic" "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_by_admit statement.
since_framework (core_wp_enough_by claim) xtr_claim.
Local Ltac2 wp_enough_by_admit (claim : constr) :=
enough $claim by admit;
warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to prove that";
of_string " it suffices to show that ";
of_constr claim]).
Ltac2 Notation "It" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough statement.
Ltac2 Notation "By" xtr_lemma(constr) "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_by statement xtr_lemma.
Ltac2 Notation "Since" xtr_claim(constr) "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_since statement xtr_claim.
Ltac2 Notation "By" "magic" "it" "suffices" "to" "show" that(opt("that")) statement(constr) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_enough_by_admit statement.