Library Waterproof.Util.Constr
Require Import Ltac2.Constr.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.TypeCorrector.
Ltac2 function: constr -> constr -> bool
Check if the normalized form of a is syntactically equal to the normalized form of b.
- a, b: constr, any constr
- bool: indicating it if a and b are syntactically equal (i.e. are of the same type after normalization)
Ltac2 check_constr_equal (a: constr) (b: constr) :=
Constr.equal (eval cbv in $a) (eval cbv in $b).
Constr.equal (eval cbv in $a) (eval cbv in $b).
Introduce *and prove* a new sublemma.
Wrapper for the build-in Gallina assert statement that can accept Ltac2 variables as arguments.
Includes a 'by' clause as used in assert (... : ...) by ....
- id: ident, name of the new sublemma to prove.
- lemma_content: constr, new proposition to prove.
- by_arg: unit -> unit, function that tries the prove the new sublemma.
Ltac2 ltac2_assert_with_by (id: ident) (lemma_constent: constr) (by_arg: unit -> unit) :=
Std.assert (Std.AssertType
(Some (Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroIdentifier id)))
lemma_constent (Some by_arg)
Std.assert (Std.AssertType
(Some (Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroIdentifier id)))
lemma_constent (Some by_arg)
Introduce a new sublemma.
Wrapper for the build-in Gallina assert statement that can accept Ltac2 variables as arguments.
- id: ident, name of the new sublemma to prove.
- lemma_content: constr, new proposition to prove.
Ltac2 ltac2_assert (id: ident) (lemma_content: constr) :=
let lemma_content := correct_type_by_wrapping lemma_content in
Std.assert (Std.AssertType
(Some (Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroIdentifier id)))
lemma_content None
let lemma_content := correct_type_by_wrapping lemma_content in
Std.assert (Std.AssertType
(Some (Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroIdentifier id)))
lemma_content None
If t is a term, the following tactics allow to extract what t gets coerced to after an introduction in forall x : t, True.
Auxiliary function to get a coerced type
- constr The coercion of t if the goal is forall x : t, True.
If t is a term, the following tactic allows to extract what t gets coerced to after an introduction in forall x : t, True.
- t : constr The term to be coerced
- constr The coerced term after introduction in forall x : t, True.
Ltac2 get_coerced_type (t : constr) :=
let dummy_hyp := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @dummy_hypothesis in
ltac2_assert (dummy_hyp) constr:(forall _ : $t, True);
let z := Control.focus 1 1 (get_coerced_type_aux) in
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact (fun x => I));
clear $dummy_hyp;
Ltac2 constr_is_ident (con : constr) (id : ident) : bool :=
let hyp := Control.hyp id in
Constr.equal con hyp.
Ltac2 constr_does_not_contain_ident (con : constr) (id : ident) : bool :=
Ident.equal (Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_constr con) id) id.
let dummy_hyp := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @dummy_hypothesis in
ltac2_assert (dummy_hyp) constr:(forall _ : $t, True);
let z := Control.focus 1 1 (get_coerced_type_aux) in
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact (fun x => I));
clear $dummy_hyp;
Ltac2 constr_is_ident (con : constr) (id : ident) : bool :=
let hyp := Control.hyp id in
Constr.equal con hyp.
Ltac2 constr_does_not_contain_ident (con : constr) (id : ident) : bool :=
Ident.equal (Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_constr con) id) id.