Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.ContinuityDomainNat
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Tactics.
Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Negation.
Require Import Notations.Common.
Require Import Notations.Reals.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Require Import Chains.
Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.
Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope subset_scope.
TODO: move these lemmas somewhere else
Lemma aux1 (n m : ℕ) : (n = m) ⇒ |m - n| = |n - n|.
Assume that (n = m).
We conclude that (& |m - n| = |m - m| = m - m = 0 = n - n = |n - n|).
#[export] Hint Resolve aux1 : wp_reals.
Lemma Rabs_n_min_m (m n : ℕ) : (m <= n)%nat -> | n - m | = n - m.
Assume that (m <= n)%nat.
It holds that (m <= n).
We conclude that (| n - m | = n - m).
#[export] Hint Resolve Rabs_n_min_m : wp_reals.
Lemma Rabs_m_lt_n (m n : ℕ) : (m < n)%nat -> 1 <= | n - m |.
Assume that (m < n)%nat.
It holds that (m <= n).
It holds that ( | n - m | = n - m).
It holds that (m + 1 <= n)%nat.
It holds that (INR m + INR 1 = INR (m + 1)%nat).
It holds that ((m + 1)%nat <= n).
It holds that (& INR m + INR 1 = INR (m + 1)%nat <= n).
We conclude that (1 <= | n - m |).
#[export] Hint Resolve Rabs_m_lt_n : wp_reals.
Lemma nat_not_equal_dist_larger_one (n m : ℕ) : (n ≠ m) -> (1 ≤ | m - n |).
Assume that (n ≠ m).
assert (n > m ∨ n < m)%nat as i by (apply Nat.lt_gt_cases; auto).
Because (i) either (n > m)%nat or (n < m)%nat holds.
+ Case (n > m)%nat.
It holds that (| n - m | = | m - n | ).
It holds that (1 <= | n - m |).
We conclude that (1 <= | m - n |).
+ Case (m > n)%nat.
We conclude that (1 <= | m - n |).
#[export] Hint Resolve nat_not_equal_dist_larger_one : wp_reals.
Lemma nat_dist_larger_zero_not_equal (n m : nat) :
0 < | n - m | -> ~(n = m).
Assume that (0 < | n - m | ).
Either (n = m)%nat or (~(n= m))%nat.
+ Case (n = m)%nat.
It holds that (| m - n| = 0).
+ Case (~(n = m)).
We conclude that (~(n = m)).
#[export] Hint Resolve nat_dist_larger_zero_not_equal : wp_reals.
Lemma nat_dist_less_than_one_iff_equal (n m : ℕ) :
(n = m) <-> (| m - n | < 1).
We show both directions.
- We need to show that (n = m ⇨ |m - n| < 1).
Assume that (n = m).
We argue by contradiction.
Assume that (~ | m - n | < 1).
It holds that (1 <= | m - n|).
It holds that (~(n=m)).
- We need to show that (| m - n | < 1 -> n = m).
Assume that (| m - n| < 1).
We argue by contradiction.
Assume that (~ (n = m)).
It holds that (1 <= | m - n|).
#[export] Hint Resolve <- nat_dist_less_than_one_iff_equal : wp_reals.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> nat_dist_less_than_one_iff_equal : wp_reals.
Section metricspace.
Variable X : Metric_Space.
Coercion Base : Metric_Space >-> Sortclass.
Definition is_accumulation_point (a : R) :=
∀ ε > 0, there exists n : nat, 0 < | n - a | < ε.
Definition is_isolated_point (a : ℕ) :=
∃ ε > 0, ∀ n ∈ nat, |n - a| = 0 ∨ (ε ≤ |n - a|).
Definition limit_in_point (f : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) (L : X) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ n ∈ nat,
(0 < |n - a| < δ) ⇒ (dist X (f n) L < ε).
Definition is_continuous_in (f : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) :=
((is_accumulation_point a) ∧ (limit_in_point f a (f a))) ∨ (is_isolated_point a).
Theorem alt_char_continuity (h : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) :
is_continuous_in h a ⇔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0,
(∀ x ∈ ℕ, 0 < | x - a | < δ ⇒ dist X (h(x)) (h(a)) < ε).
We show both directions.
* We need to show that (is_continuous_in(h, a) ⇨
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
Assume that (is_continuous_in h a).
Take ε : R.
Assume that (ε > 0).
Choose δ := (1/2).
- Indeed, (δ > 0).
- We need to show that (∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
Take x ∈ nat.
Assume that (0 < | x - a | < δ).
Either (x = a) or (~(x=a)).
+ Case (x = a).
It holds that (| x - a | = 0).
+ Case (~(x = a)).
It holds that (1 ≤ | x - a |).
* We need to show that ((∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε) ⇨ is_continuous_in(h, a)).
Assume that (∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
We need to show that (is_accumulation_point(a) ∧ limit_in_point(h, a, h(a)) ∨ is_isolated_point(a)).
It suffices to show that (is_isolated_point a).
unfold is_isolated_point.
We need to show that (∃ ε > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, |n - a| = 0 ∨ ε ≤ |n - a|)).
Choose ε := (1/2).
- Indeed, (ε > 0).
- We need to show that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, |n - a| = 0 ∨ ε ≤ |n - a|).
Take n : nat.
Either (n = a) or (~(n=a)).
+ Case (n = a).
It suffices to show that (|n - a| = 0).
We conclude that (|n - a| = 0).
+ Case (~(n=a)).
It suffices to show that ((1/2) ≤ | n - a |).
It holds that (1 ≤ | n - a |).
We conclude that (1/2 ≤ | n - a | ).
End metricspace.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.
Variable X : Metric_Space.
Coercion Base : Metric_Space >-> Sortclass.
Definition is_accumulation_point (a : R) :=
∀ ε > 0, there exists n : nat, 0 < | n - a | < ε.
Definition is_isolated_point (a : ℕ) :=
∃ ε > 0, ∀ n ∈ nat, |n - a| = 0 ∨ (ε ≤ |n - a|).
Definition limit_in_point (f : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) (L : X) :=
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ n ∈ nat,
(0 < |n - a| < δ) ⇒ (dist X (f n) L < ε).
Definition is_continuous_in (f : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) :=
((is_accumulation_point a) ∧ (limit_in_point f a (f a))) ∨ (is_isolated_point a).
Theorem alt_char_continuity (h : ℕ → X) (a : ℕ) :
is_continuous_in h a ⇔ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0,
(∀ x ∈ ℕ, 0 < | x - a | < δ ⇒ dist X (h(x)) (h(a)) < ε).
We show both directions.
* We need to show that (is_continuous_in(h, a) ⇨
∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
Assume that (is_continuous_in h a).
Take ε : R.
Assume that (ε > 0).
Choose δ := (1/2).
- Indeed, (δ > 0).
- We need to show that (∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
Take x ∈ nat.
Assume that (0 < | x - a | < δ).
Either (x = a) or (~(x=a)).
+ Case (x = a).
It holds that (| x - a | = 0).
+ Case (~(x = a)).
It holds that (1 ≤ | x - a |).
* We need to show that ((∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε) ⇨ is_continuous_in(h, a)).
Assume that (∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x ∈ ℕ,
0 < |x - a| < δ ⇨ dist(X, h(x), h(a)) < ε).
We need to show that (is_accumulation_point(a) ∧ limit_in_point(h, a, h(a)) ∨ is_isolated_point(a)).
It suffices to show that (is_isolated_point a).
unfold is_isolated_point.
We need to show that (∃ ε > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, |n - a| = 0 ∨ ε ≤ |n - a|)).
Choose ε := (1/2).
- Indeed, (ε > 0).
- We need to show that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, |n - a| = 0 ∨ ε ≤ |n - a|).
Take n : nat.
Either (n = a) or (~(n=a)).
+ Case (n = a).
It suffices to show that (|n - a| = 0).
We conclude that (|n - a| = 0).
+ Case (~(n=a)).
It suffices to show that ((1/2) ≤ | n - a |).
It holds that (1 ≤ | n - a |).
We conclude that (1/2 ≤ | n - a | ).
End metricspace.
#[export] Hint Resolve -> alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.
#[export] Hint Resolve <- alt_char_continuity : wp_reals.
Notation "a 'is' 'an' '_accumulation' 'point_'" := (is_accumulation_point a) (at level 68).
Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'accumulation' 'point'" := (is_accumulation_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_acc_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_accumulation_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") false x.
Notation "a 'is' 'an' '_isolated' 'point_'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68).
Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'isolated' 'point'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_isol_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_isolated_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") false x.
Notation "'_limit_' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point _ f a L) (at level 68).
Notation "'limit' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point _ f a L) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_lim_in_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold limit_in_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") false x.
Notation "f 'is' '_continuous_' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in _ f a) (at level 68).
Notation "f 'is' 'continuous' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in _ f a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_cont (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_continuous_in in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") false x.
Close Scope R_scope.
Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'accumulation' 'point'" := (is_accumulation_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_acc_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_accumulation_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_acc_point (Some "accumulation point") false x.
Notation "a 'is' 'an' '_isolated' 'point_'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68).
Notation "a 'is' 'an' 'isolated' 'point'" := (is_isolated_point a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_isol_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_isolated_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "isolated" "point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_isol_point (Some "isolated point") false x.
Notation "'_limit_' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point _ f a L) (at level 68).
Notation "'limit' 'of' f 'in' a 'is' L" := (limit_in_point _ f a L) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_lim_in_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold limit_in_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "limit" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_lim_in_point (Some "limit") false x.
Notation "f 'is' '_continuous_' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in _ f a) (at level 68).
Notation "f 'is' 'continuous' 'in' a" := (is_continuous_in _ f a) (at level 68, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_cont (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_continuous_in in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "continuous" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_cont (Some "continuous") false x.
Close Scope R_scope.