Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.Sequences
Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Lra.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.
Require Import ClassicalChoice.
Require Import Tactics.
Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Reals.
Require Import Notations.Common.
Require Import Notations.Reals.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Require Import Chains.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rmult_lt_0_compat : wp_reals.
#[export] Hint Resolve Rinv_lt_contravar : wp_reals.
Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.
Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope subset_scope.
What is a sequence of real numbers?
Examples of sequences
We could also have written that is defined by , and usually we just leave out the function and would write .
Another example is the sequence defined by . The sequence is just constant! Within Waterproof, we could define the sequence by
Definition y_seq : ℕ → ℝ := 3.
However, let us also give an alternative way, which looks a bit closer to the definition .
Terminology about sequences
Asymptotic behavior of sequences
Lemma convergence_equivalence (a : ℕ → ℝ) (q : ℝ) :
a ⟶ q ⇔ Un_cv a q.
Proof. We show both directions.
* We need to show that (a ⟶ q ⇒ Un_cv a q).
Assume that (a ⟶ q) (i).
unfold Un_cv.
To show : (∀ ε1 > 0,
∃ N2 : ℕ,
∀ n ≥ N2, |a(n) - q| < ε1).
Take ε1 > 0.
By (i) it holds that
(∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|a(n) - q| < ε1)%R)%nat).
Obtain such an N1.
Choose N2 := N1.
Take n ≥ N2.
We conclude that (|a(n) - q| < ε1).
* We need to show that (Un_cv a q ⇒ a ⟶ q).
Assume that (Un_cv a q) (ii).
To show : (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|a(n) - q| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
By (ii) it holds that ( ∃ N2 : ℕ,
∀ n ≥ N2, |a(n) - q| < ε).
Obtain such an N2.
Choose N1 := N2.
- Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
- We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N1, (|a(n) - q| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N1.
We conclude that (|a(n) - q| < ε).
# Preparation for a simple limit
Lemma archimed_mod :
∀ x ∈ ℝ, ∃ n ∈ ℕ, INR(n) > x.
Take x ∈ ℝ.
Either (x <= 0) or (0 < x).
- Case (x <= 0).
Choose n := 1%nat.
+ Indeed, (n ∈ ℕ).
+ We need to show that (n > x).
We claim that (INR 1 > INR 0).
{ We need to show that ( 1 > 0 ).
We conclude that (1 > 0).
It holds that (x <= INR 0).
We conclude that (n > x).
- Case (0 < x).
By archimed it holds that (IZR( up x) > x ∧ IZR( up x ) - x ≤ 1).
It holds that (IZR( up x ) > x).
It holds that (0 < IZR( up x )).
By lt_0_IZR it holds that (0 < up x)%Z.
It holds that (0 <= up x)%Z.
By IZN it holds that (∃ k : ℕ, up x = Z.of_nat k).
Obtain such a k. It holds that (up x = Z.of_nat k) (ii).
Choose n := k.
+ Indeed, (n ∈ ℕ).
+ We need to show that (INR k > x).
By INR_IZR_INZ it holds that (INR k = IZR (Z.of_nat k)).
We claim that (IZR (up x) = IZR (Z.of_nat k)).
{ rewrite (ii). reflexivity. }
We need to show that (x < k).
We conclude that (& x < up x = Z.of_nat k = k).
∀ x ∈ ℝ, ∃ n ∈ ℕ, INR(n) > x.
Take x ∈ ℝ.
Either (x <= 0) or (0 < x).
- Case (x <= 0).
Choose n := 1%nat.
+ Indeed, (n ∈ ℕ).
+ We need to show that (n > x).
We claim that (INR 1 > INR 0).
{ We need to show that ( 1 > 0 ).
We conclude that (1 > 0).
It holds that (x <= INR 0).
We conclude that (n > x).
- Case (0 < x).
By archimed it holds that (IZR( up x) > x ∧ IZR( up x ) - x ≤ 1).
It holds that (IZR( up x ) > x).
It holds that (0 < IZR( up x )).
By lt_0_IZR it holds that (0 < up x)%Z.
It holds that (0 <= up x)%Z.
By IZN it holds that (∃ k : ℕ, up x = Z.of_nat k).
Obtain such a k. It holds that (up x = Z.of_nat k) (ii).
Choose n := k.
+ Indeed, (n ∈ ℕ).
+ We need to show that (INR k > x).
By INR_IZR_INZ it holds that (INR k = IZR (Z.of_nat k)).
We claim that (IZR (up x) = IZR (Z.of_nat k)).
{ rewrite (ii). reflexivity. }
We need to show that (x < k).
We conclude that (& x < up x = Z.of_nat k = k).
Next, we introduce eventually equal sequences, and show that they converge to the same limit.
Definition evt_eq_sequences (a b : ℕ → ℝ) :=
(∃ k ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ k, (a n = b n)%R))%nat.
Lemma conv_evt_eq_seq (a b : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) :
(evt_eq_sequences a b) ⇒ (a ⟶ l) ⇒ (b ⟶ l).
Assume that (evt_eq_sequences a b) (i) and (a ⟶ l).
To show : (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
It holds that
(∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N1)%nat ⇨ |a n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an N1.
By (i) it holds that
(∃ K ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ K)%nat ⇨ a n = b n).
Obtain such a K.
Choose N2 := (Nat.max N1 K).
* Indeed, (N2 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N2, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N2.
It holds that (b n = a n).
We conclude that (& |b n - l| = |a n - l| < ε).
(∃ k ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ k, (a n = b n)%R))%nat.
Lemma conv_evt_eq_seq (a b : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) :
(evt_eq_sequences a b) ⇒ (a ⟶ l) ⇒ (b ⟶ l).
Assume that (evt_eq_sequences a b) (i) and (a ⟶ l).
To show : (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
It holds that
(∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N1)%nat ⇨ |a n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an N1.
By (i) it holds that
(∃ K ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ K)%nat ⇨ a n = b n).
Obtain such a K.
Choose N2 := (Nat.max N1 K).
* Indeed, (N2 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N2, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N2.
It holds that (b n = a n).
We conclude that (& |b n - l| = |a n - l| < ε).
From this, it is fairly easy to prove that sequences that are exactly the same also converge to the same limit.
We do this by first using the lemma, and then proving that the sequences are indeed eventually equal.
Lemma eq_seq_conv_to_same_lim (a : ℕ → ℝ) (b : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n = b n) ⇒ a ⟶ l ⇒ b ⟶ l.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n = b n).
By conv_evt_eq_seq
it suffices to show that (∃ k ∈ ℕ, ∀ n ≥ k, (a n = b n)%R)%nat.
Choose k := O.
* Indeed, (k ∈ ℕ).
* We conclude that ((∀ n ≥ k, a(n) = b(n))%nat).
Lemma convergence_plus (a b : ℕ → ℝ) (m l : ℝ) :
converges_to a m ⇒ converges_to b l ⇒
converges_to (fun n ↦ a n + b n) (m + l).
intros Hm Hl.
assert (Un_cv a m) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
assert (Un_cv b l) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
enough (Un_cv (fun n ↦ a n + b n) (m + l)) by
(apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
apply CV_plus; assumption.
Lemma convergence_minus (a b : ℕ → ℝ) (m l : ℝ) :
converges_to a m ⇒ converges_to b l ⇒
converges_to (fun n ↦ a n - b n) (m - l).
intros Hm Hl.
assert (Un_cv a m) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
assert (Un_cv b l) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
enough (Un_cv (fun n ↦ a n - b n) (m - l)) by
(apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
apply CV_minus; assumption.
Lemma convergence_opp (a : ℕ → ℝ) (m : ℝ) :
converges_to a m ⇒ converges_to (opp_seq a) (-m).
intro H.
assert (Un_cv a m) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
enough (Un_cv (opp_seq a) (-m)) by (apply convergence_equivalence; assumption).
apply CV_opp; assumption.
A simple limit
Definition constant_sequence (c : ℝ) := fun (n : ℕ) ↦ c.
Lemma lim_const_seq (c : ℝ) :
constant_sequence c ⟶ c.
Define s := (constant_sequence c).
To show: (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|s(n) - c| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
Choose N1 := O.
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N1, (|s(n) - c| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N1.
It holds that (s n = c).
We conclude that (& |s n - c| = | c - c | = |0| = 0 < ε).
Lemma lim_const_seq (c : ℝ) :
constant_sequence c ⟶ c.
Define s := (constant_sequence c).
To show: (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|s(n) - c| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
Choose N1 := O.
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N1, (|s(n) - c| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N1.
It holds that (s n = c).
We conclude that (& |s n - c| = | c - c | = |0| = 0 < ε).
**Another simple limit**
Definition d := fun (n : ℕ) ↦ 1 / (n + 1).
Lemma lim_d_0 : converges_to d 0.
To show :
(∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N1, |d(n) - 0| < ε).
Take ε > 0.
By archimed_mod it holds that (∃ n1 ∈ ℕ, n1 > / ε).
Obtain such an n1. Choose N1 := n1.
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that (∀ n ≥ N1, |d(n) - 0| < ε).
Take n ≥ N1.
It suffices to show that (-ε < 1 / (n + 1) - 0 < ε).
We show both (-ε < 1 / (n + 1) - 0) and (1 / (n + 1) - 0 < ε).
- It holds that (0 < n + 1). We conclude that (& -ε < 0 < / (n + 1) = 1 / (n + 1) - 0).
- We claim that (/ ε < n + 1).
{ We conclude that (& / ε < n1 <= n <= n + 1). }
We conclude that (& 1 / (n + 1) - 0 = / (n + 1) < / / ε = ε).
Lemma min_1_over_n_plus_1_to_0 :
converges_to (fun (n : ℕ) ↦ - (1 / (INR(n) + 1))) 0.
By lim_d_0 it holds that (converges_to d 0).
We claim that (Un_cv d 0).
apply convergence_equivalence; assumption.
By (CV_opp) it holds that (Un_cv (opp_seq d) (-0)) (i).
We claim that (converges_to (opp_seq d) (-0)).
apply convergence_equivalence; assumption.
It holds that ( Un_cv (fun n ↦ -d(n), -0)).
It holds that ( Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
It holds that (0 = -0).
It suffices to show that (Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
By (i) we conclude that (Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
Lemma lim_d_0 : converges_to d 0.
To show :
(∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n ≥ N1, |d(n) - 0| < ε).
Take ε > 0.
By archimed_mod it holds that (∃ n1 ∈ ℕ, n1 > / ε).
Obtain such an n1. Choose N1 := n1.
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that (∀ n ≥ N1, |d(n) - 0| < ε).
Take n ≥ N1.
It suffices to show that (-ε < 1 / (n + 1) - 0 < ε).
We show both (-ε < 1 / (n + 1) - 0) and (1 / (n + 1) - 0 < ε).
- It holds that (0 < n + 1). We conclude that (& -ε < 0 < / (n + 1) = 1 / (n + 1) - 0).
- We claim that (/ ε < n + 1).
{ We conclude that (& / ε < n1 <= n <= n + 1). }
We conclude that (& 1 / (n + 1) - 0 = / (n + 1) < / / ε = ε).
Lemma min_1_over_n_plus_1_to_0 :
converges_to (fun (n : ℕ) ↦ - (1 / (INR(n) + 1))) 0.
By lim_d_0 it holds that (converges_to d 0).
We claim that (Un_cv d 0).
apply convergence_equivalence; assumption.
By (CV_opp) it holds that (Un_cv (opp_seq d) (-0)) (i).
We claim that (converges_to (opp_seq d) (-0)).
apply convergence_equivalence; assumption.
It holds that ( Un_cv (fun n ↦ -d(n), -0)).
It holds that ( Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
It holds that (0 = -0).
It suffices to show that (Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
By (i) we conclude that (Un_cv (fun n ↦ -(1 / (n + 1)), -0)).
Theorem squeeze_theorem (a : ℕ → ℝ) (b : ℕ → ℝ) (c : ℕ → ℝ) (l : ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n) ⇒
a ⟶ l ⇒ c ⟶ l ⇒ b ⟶ l.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n) and (a ⟶ l).
Assume that (c ⟶ l).
To show: (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
It holds that (∃ Na ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ Na)%nat ⇒ |a n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an Na.
It holds that (∃ Nc ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ Nc)%nat ⇒ |c n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an Nc.
Choose N1 := (Nat.max Na Nc).
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N1.
We claim that (-ε < a n - l).
{ It holds that (n ≥ Na)%nat.
It holds that (R_dist (a n) l < ε) (iii).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a n - l < ε /\ -ε < a n - l).
We conclude that (-ε < a n - l).
We claim that (c n - l < ε).
{ It holds that (n ≥ Nc)%nat.
It holds that (R_dist (c n) l < ε) (iii).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (c n - l < ε /\ -ε < c n - l).
We conclude that (c n - l < ε).
It suffices to show that (-ε < b n - l < ε).
It holds that (a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n).
We show both (- ε < b n - l) and ( b n - l < ε).
- We conclude that (& - ε < a n - l <= b n - l).
- We conclude that (& b n - l <= c n - l < ε).
Lemma upp_bd_seq_is_upp_bd_lim (a : ℕ → ℝ) (L M: ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ M) ⇒ (converges_to a L) ⇒ L ≤ M.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, (a n) ≤ M).
Assume that (converges_to a L) (i).
By Rle_or_lt it holds that (L ≤ M ∨ M < L) (ii).
Because (ii) either (L ≤ M) or (M < L) holds.
- Case (L ≤ M).
It follows that (L ≤ M).
- Case (M < L).
Define ε := (L-M).
It holds that (ε > 0).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | a n - L | < eps).
It holds that (∃ Nn ∈ ℕ, ∀n : ℕ, (n ≥ Nn)%nat ⇒ R_dist (a n) L < ε).
Obtain such an Nn.
It holds that (|a(Nn) - L| < ε).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a Nn - L < ε ∧ (- ε < a Nn - L)).
It holds that (- ε < a Nn - L).
It holds that (a Nn ≤ M).
It holds that (- (L - M) < a Nn - L).
It follows that (L ≤ M).
Lemma low_bd_seq_is_low_bd_lim (a : ℕ → ℝ) (L M: ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≥ M) ⇒ (converges_to a L) ⇒ L ≥ M.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≥ M).
Define b := (opp_seq a).
Assume that (converges_to a L).
It holds that (b = (fun n => - a n)).
By convergence_opp it holds that (converges_to b (-L)).
We claim that (-L ≤ -M).
apply (upp_bd_seq_is_upp_bd_lim b).
* Take n ∈ ℕ.
We conclude that (& b n = - a n <= -M).
* assumption.
We conclude that (L >= M).
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n) ⇒
a ⟶ l ⇒ c ⟶ l ⇒ b ⟶ l.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n) and (a ⟶ l).
Assume that (c ⟶ l).
To show: (∀ ε > 0, ∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, (∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
It holds that (∃ Na ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ Na)%nat ⇒ |a n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an Na.
It holds that (∃ Nc ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ Nc)%nat ⇒ |c n - l| < ε).
Obtain such an Nc.
Choose N1 := (Nat.max Na Nc).
* Indeed, (N1 ∈ ℕ).
* We need to show that ((∀ n ≥ N1, (|b(n) - l| < ε)%R)%nat).
Take n ≥ N1.
We claim that (-ε < a n - l).
{ It holds that (n ≥ Na)%nat.
It holds that (R_dist (a n) l < ε) (iii).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a n - l < ε /\ -ε < a n - l).
We conclude that (-ε < a n - l).
We claim that (c n - l < ε).
{ It holds that (n ≥ Nc)%nat.
It holds that (R_dist (c n) l < ε) (iii).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (c n - l < ε /\ -ε < c n - l).
We conclude that (c n - l < ε).
It suffices to show that (-ε < b n - l < ε).
It holds that (a n ≤ b n ∧ b n ≤ c n).
We show both (- ε < b n - l) and ( b n - l < ε).
- We conclude that (& - ε < a n - l <= b n - l).
- We conclude that (& b n - l <= c n - l < ε).
Lemma upp_bd_seq_is_upp_bd_lim (a : ℕ → ℝ) (L M: ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ M) ⇒ (converges_to a L) ⇒ L ≤ M.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, (a n) ≤ M).
Assume that (converges_to a L) (i).
By Rle_or_lt it holds that (L ≤ M ∨ M < L) (ii).
Because (ii) either (L ≤ M) or (M < L) holds.
- Case (L ≤ M).
It follows that (L ≤ M).
- Case (M < L).
Define ε := (L-M).
It holds that (ε > 0).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | a n - L | < eps).
It holds that (∃ Nn ∈ ℕ, ∀n : ℕ, (n ≥ Nn)%nat ⇒ R_dist (a n) L < ε).
Obtain such an Nn.
It holds that (|a(Nn) - L| < ε).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a Nn - L < ε ∧ (- ε < a Nn - L)).
It holds that (- ε < a Nn - L).
It holds that (a Nn ≤ M).
It holds that (- (L - M) < a Nn - L).
It follows that (L ≤ M).
Lemma low_bd_seq_is_low_bd_lim (a : ℕ → ℝ) (L M: ℝ) :
(∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≥ M) ⇒ (converges_to a L) ⇒ L ≥ M.
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≥ M).
Define b := (opp_seq a).
Assume that (converges_to a L).
It holds that (b = (fun n => - a n)).
By convergence_opp it holds that (converges_to b (-L)).
We claim that (-L ≤ -M).
apply (upp_bd_seq_is_upp_bd_lim b).
* Take n ∈ ℕ.
We conclude that (& b n = - a n <= -M).
* assumption.
We conclude that (L >= M).
Lemma seq_ordered_lim_ordered (a b: ℕ → ℝ) (m l : ℝ) :
converges_to a m ⇒ converges_to b l ⇒ (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n) ⇒ m ≤ l.
Assume that (converges_to a m) and (converges_to b l).
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n).
We argue by contradiction.
Assume that (~ m <= l).
It holds that (l < m).
Define ε := ((m - l)/2).
It holds that (ε > 0).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | a n - m | < eps).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | b n - l | < eps).
It holds that (∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ N1)%nat ⇒ | (a n) - m | < ε).
Obtain such an N1.
It holds that (∃ N2 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ N2)%nat ⇒ | (b n) - l | < ε).
Obtain such an N2.
Define N3 := (Nat.max N1 N2).
We claim that (b N3 < a N3).
It holds that (|b(N3) - l| < ε).
It holds that (|a(N3) - m| < ε).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a N3 - m < ε ∧ - ε < a N3 - m).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (b N3 - l < ε ∧ - ε < b N3 - l).
We conclude that (& b N3 < l + ε = l + (m - l)/2
= m - (m - l)/2 = m - ε < a N3).
It holds that (a N3 <= b N3).
Definition is_bounded (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ q ∈ ℝ,
∃ M > 0,
∀ n ∈ ℕ,
|a n - q| ≤ M.
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded_'" := (is_bounded a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded'" := (is_bounded a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded (Some "bounded") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded (Some "bounded") false x.
Definition is_bounded_equivalent (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ M > 0, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a n| ≤ M.
Lemma is_bounded_equivalence (a : ℕ → ℝ) :
is_bounded a ⇔ is_bounded_equivalent a.
We show both directions.
- We need to show that (is_bounded a ⇨ is_bounded_equivalent a).
Assume that (is_bounded a).
It holds that (∃ q ∈ R,
∃ M1 > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)).
Obtain such a q.
It holds that (there exists M1 : R, M1 > 0 ∧ (for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)).
Obtain such an M1.
It holds that (M1 > 0 ∧ (for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)) (i).
Because (i) both (M1 > 0) and
(for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1).
We need to show that (∃ M > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n | ≤ M)).
Choose M := (M1 + |q|).
+ We need to verify that (M > 0).
It holds that (0 ≤ |q|).
It suffices to show that (0 <= M).
We conclude that (& 0 <= (M1 + |q|) = M).
+ We need to show that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n | ≤ M ).
Take n ∈ ℕ.
By Rabs_triang it holds that (|a n - q + q| ≤ |a n - q| + |q|).
We conclude that (& |a n| = |a n - q + q|
<= (|a n - q| + |q|) <= (M1 + |q|) = M).
- We need to show that (
is_bounded_equivalent a ⇨ is_bounded a).
Assume that (∃ M1 > 0, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a n| ≤ M1).
Obtain such an M1. It holds that
(M1 > 0 ∧ ∀ n : ℕ, |a n| ≤ M1) (i).
Because (i) both (M1 > 0) and
(for all n : ℕ, | a n | ≤ M1) hold.
We need to show that (
∃ q ∈ ℝ, ∃ M > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ,
| a n - q | ≤ M)
Choose q := 0.
+ Indeed, (q ∈ ℝ).
+ We need to show that (∃ M > q, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a(n) - q| ≤ M).
Choose M := M1.
* Indeed, (M > q).
* We need to show that (
∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M ).
Take n ∈ ℕ.
We conclude that (& |a n - q| = |a n| <= M).
converges_to a m ⇒ converges_to b l ⇒ (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n) ⇒ m ≤ l.
Assume that (converges_to a m) and (converges_to b l).
Assume that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, a n ≤ b n).
We argue by contradiction.
Assume that (~ m <= l).
It holds that (l < m).
Define ε := ((m - l)/2).
It holds that (ε > 0).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | a n - m | < eps).
It holds that (for all eps : ℝ, eps > 0
⇨ ∃ N ∈ ℕ, for all n : ℕ, (n ≥ N)%nat
⇨ | b n - l | < eps).
It holds that (∃ N1 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ N1)%nat ⇒ | (a n) - m | < ε).
Obtain such an N1.
It holds that (∃ N2 ∈ ℕ, ∀ n : ℕ, (n ≥ N2)%nat ⇒ | (b n) - l | < ε).
Obtain such an N2.
Define N3 := (Nat.max N1 N2).
We claim that (b N3 < a N3).
It holds that (|b(N3) - l| < ε).
It holds that (|a(N3) - m| < ε).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a N3 - m < ε ∧ - ε < a N3 - m).
By Rabs_def2 it holds that (b N3 - l < ε ∧ - ε < b N3 - l).
We conclude that (& b N3 < l + ε = l + (m - l)/2
= m - (m - l)/2 = m - ε < a N3).
It holds that (a N3 <= b N3).
Definition is_bounded (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ q ∈ ℝ,
∃ M > 0,
∀ n ∈ ℕ,
|a n - q| ≤ M.
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded_'" := (is_bounded a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded'" := (is_bounded a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded (Some "bounded") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded (Some "bounded") false x.
Definition is_bounded_equivalent (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ M > 0, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a n| ≤ M.
Lemma is_bounded_equivalence (a : ℕ → ℝ) :
is_bounded a ⇔ is_bounded_equivalent a.
We show both directions.
- We need to show that (is_bounded a ⇨ is_bounded_equivalent a).
Assume that (is_bounded a).
It holds that (∃ q ∈ R,
∃ M1 > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)).
Obtain such a q.
It holds that (there exists M1 : R, M1 > 0 ∧ (for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)).
Obtain such an M1.
It holds that (M1 > 0 ∧ (for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1)) (i).
Because (i) both (M1 > 0) and
(for all n : ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M1).
We need to show that (∃ M > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n | ≤ M)).
Choose M := (M1 + |q|).
+ We need to verify that (M > 0).
It holds that (0 ≤ |q|).
It suffices to show that (0 <= M).
We conclude that (& 0 <= (M1 + |q|) = M).
+ We need to show that (∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n | ≤ M ).
Take n ∈ ℕ.
By Rabs_triang it holds that (|a n - q + q| ≤ |a n - q| + |q|).
We conclude that (& |a n| = |a n - q + q|
<= (|a n - q| + |q|) <= (M1 + |q|) = M).
- We need to show that (
is_bounded_equivalent a ⇨ is_bounded a).
Assume that (∃ M1 > 0, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a n| ≤ M1).
Obtain such an M1. It holds that
(M1 > 0 ∧ ∀ n : ℕ, |a n| ≤ M1) (i).
Because (i) both (M1 > 0) and
(for all n : ℕ, | a n | ≤ M1) hold.
We need to show that (
∃ q ∈ ℝ, ∃ M > 0, (∀ n ∈ ℕ,
| a n - q | ≤ M)
Choose q := 0.
+ Indeed, (q ∈ ℝ).
+ We need to show that (∃ M > q, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, |a(n) - q| ≤ M).
Choose M := M1.
* Indeed, (M > q).
* We need to show that (
∀ n ∈ ℕ, | a n - q | ≤ M ).
Take n ∈ ℕ.
We conclude that (& |a n - q| = |a n| <= M).
Definitions sequence bounded from above and below
Definition is_bounded_above (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ M ∈ ℝ, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, a(n) ≤ M.
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded' 'above_'" := (is_bounded_above a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded' 'above'" := (is_bounded_above a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded_above (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded_above in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "above" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_above (Some "bounded above") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "above" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_above (Some "bounded above") false x.
Definition is_bounded_below (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ m ∈ ℝ, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, m ≤ a(n).
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded' 'below_'" := (is_bounded_below a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded' 'below'" := (is_bounded_below a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded_below (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded_below in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "below" x(opt(seq("in", constr))):=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_below (Some "bounded below") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "below" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_below (Some "bounded below") false x.
∃ M ∈ ℝ, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, a(n) ≤ M.
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded' 'above_'" := (is_bounded_above a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded' 'above'" := (is_bounded_above a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded_above (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded_above in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "above" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_above (Some "bounded above") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "above" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_above (Some "bounded above") false x.
Definition is_bounded_below (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∃ m ∈ ℝ, ∀ n ∈ ℕ, m ≤ a(n).
Notation "a 'is' '_bounded' 'below_'" := (is_bounded_below a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'is' 'bounded' 'below'" := (is_bounded_below a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_bounded_below (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_bounded_below in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "below" x(opt(seq("in", constr))):=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_below (Some "bounded below") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "bounded" "below" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_is_bounded_below (Some "bounded below") false x.
Convergence to +∞ and -∞.
Definition diverges_to_plus_infinity (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∀ M ∈ ℝ,
(∃ N1 ∈ ℕ,
∀ n ≥ N1, (a(n) > M)%R)%nat.
Notation "a ⟶ ∞" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a '_diverges' 'to' '∞_'" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'diverges' 'to' '∞'" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_diverge_plus_infty (statement : constr) :=
eval unfold diverges_to_plus_infinity in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "⟶ ∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "⟶ ∞") false x.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "diverges to ∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "diverges to ∞") false x.
Definition diverges_to_minus_infinity (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∀ M ∈ ℝ,
∃ N1 ∈ ℕ,
(∀ n ≥ N1, (a(n) < M)%R)%nat.
Notation "a ⟶ -∞" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a '_diverges' 'to' '-∞_'" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'diverges' 'to' '-∞'" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_diverge_minus_infty (statement : constr) :=
eval unfold diverges_to_minus_infinity in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))):=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "⟶ -∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "⟶ -∞") false x.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "diverges to -∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "diverges to -∞") false x.
Close Scope R_scope.
∀ M ∈ ℝ,
(∃ N1 ∈ ℕ,
∀ n ≥ N1, (a(n) > M)%R)%nat.
Notation "a ⟶ ∞" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a '_diverges' 'to' '∞_'" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'diverges' 'to' '∞'" := (diverges_to_plus_infinity a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_diverge_plus_infty (statement : constr) :=
eval unfold diverges_to_plus_infinity in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "⟶ ∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "⟶ ∞") false x.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "diverges to ∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_plus_infty (Some "diverges to ∞") false x.
Definition diverges_to_minus_infinity (a : ℕ → ℝ) :=
∀ M ∈ ℝ,
∃ N1 ∈ ℕ,
(∀ n ≥ N1, (a(n) < M)%R)%nat.
Notation "a ⟶ -∞" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a '_diverges' 'to' '-∞_'" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20).
Notation "a 'diverges' 'to' '-∞'" := (diverges_to_minus_infinity a) (at level 20, only parsing).
Local Ltac2 unfold_diverge_minus_infty (statement : constr) :=
eval unfold diverges_to_minus_infinity in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))):=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "⟶ -∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "⟶" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "⟶ -∞") false x.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "diverges to -∞") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "diverges" "to" "-∞" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
wp_unfold unfold_diverge_minus_infty (Some "diverges to -∞") false x.
Close Scope R_scope.