Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.SequentialAccumulationPoints

Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Lra.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.
Require Import ClassicalChoice.

Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.Sequences.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.Subsequences.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Tactics.

Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.

Open Scope R_scope.

Definition is_seq_acc_pt (a : ) (x : ) : Prop :=
   n : , is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun (k : ) a(n k)) x.

Lemma seq_bdd_seq_acc_pts_bdd :
   a : , has_ub a bound (is_seq_acc_pt a).
  Take a : ( ).
  Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
  We need to show that
    (there exists m : , is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) m).
  We need to show that (there exists m : ,
    for all x : , is_seq_acc_pt a x x m).
  By (i) it holds that (there exists M : R, is_upper_bound (EUn a) M).
  Obtain such an M. It holds that (is_upper_bound (EUn a) M).
  Choose m := M.
  Take x : .
  Assume that (is_seq_acc_pt a x).
  It holds that (there exists n : ,
    is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)).
  Obtain such an n. It holds that (is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)) (iv).
  Because (iv) both (is_index_seq n) and (Un_cv (fun k (a(n(k))), x)) hold.
  We need to show that (x M).
  By (upp_bd_seq_is_upp_bd_lim (fun k => a (n k))) it suffices to show that (for all k : nat, (a (n k) <= M)).
  We claim that (for all k : , (a k) M) (v).
  { It holds that (for all x0 : , EUn a x0 x0 M).
    It holds that (for all x0 : ,
      (there exists k : , x0 = a k) x0 M).
    Take k : .
    It suffices to show that (there exists k0 : nat, a k = a k0).
    Choose k0 := k.
    We conclude that (a k0 = a k0).
  Take k : .
  By (v) it holds that (a(n k) M).
  It follows that (a(n k) M).

Close Scope R_scope.