Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.StrongInductionIndexSequence
Require Import Lia.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Arith.Compare.
Require Import ClassicalChoice.
Require Import ChoiceFacts.
Require Export Libs.Analysis.SubsequencesMetric.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Section Construction.
Definition dep_only_on_start {A : Type} (P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop)
:= forall (k : nat) (b c : nat -> A), (forall l : nat, l <= k -> b l = c l) -> (P k b) -> (P k c).
Definition const_seq {A : Type} (a : A) := (fun l : nat => a).
Definition const_seq_from {A : Type} (a : A) (k : nat) (seq : nat -> A) :=
fun l : nat => if (lt_dec l k) then (seq l) else a.
Context {A : Type} {P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop} (HypP : dep_only_on_start P).
Context (a0 : A) (H0 : P 0 (const_seq a0))
(Hstep : forall (k : nat) (prev : nat -> A),
P k prev -> {a : A | P (S k) (const_seq_from a (S k) prev)}).
Fixpoint ind_seq_of_seq_and_prop (k : nat) : {seq : nat -> A | P k seq} :=
match k with
| O => exist _ (const_seq a0) H0
| S k => exist _ (const_seq_from
(proj1_sig (Hstep _ _ (proj2_sig (ind_seq_of_seq_and_prop k))))
(S k) (proj1_sig (ind_seq_of_seq_and_prop k)))
(proj2_sig (Hstep _ _ (proj2_sig (ind_seq_of_seq_and_prop k))))
Definition ind_seq_with_prop : {seq : nat -> A | forall k : nat, P k seq}.
set ind_seq_of_seq_and_prop as seq_of_seq.
exists (fun k => proj1_sig (seq_of_seq k) k). intro k.
apply (HypP _ (proj1_sig (seq_of_seq k))).
intros l Hl.
induction k.
+ assert (l = 0) as l_eq_0 by lia. rewrite l_eq_0; reflexivity.
+ simpl; unfold const_seq_from.
destruct (lt_dec l (S k)) as [l_lt_Sk | not_l_lt_Sk].
* apply IHk; lia.
* assert (l = S k) as l_eq_Sk by lia.
rewrite l_eq_Sk.
simpl; unfold const_seq_from.
destruct (lt_dec (S k) (S k)) as [Sk_lt_Sk | not_Sk_lt_Sk].
-- assert (con : False) by lia; contradiction.
-- reflexivity.
exact (proj2_sig (seq_of_seq k)).
End Construction.
Section StrongInduction.
Lemma quant_over_start_dep_only_on_start {A : Type} {P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop} :
dep_only_on_start P -> dep_only_on_start (fun (k : nat) (seq : nat -> A) => forall l : nat, l <= k -> P l seq).
intros HypP k b c start_b_eq_c Hb l l_le_k.
apply (HypP _ b).
- intros i i_le_l.
apply start_b_eq_c; lia.
- apply Hb; assumption.
Lemma reformulate_base_prop_strong {A : Type} (P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop) (seq : nat -> A) :
(P 0 seq) -> (forall l : nat, l <= 0 -> P l seq).
intros H0 l l_le_0.
assert (l = 0) as l_eq_0 by lia.
rewrite l_eq_0; exact H0.
Lemma reformulate_final_prop_strong {A : Type} (P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop) (seq : nat -> A) :
(forall k : nat, forall l : nat, l <= k -> P l seq) -> (forall k : nat, P k seq).
intros H k.
assert (k <= k) as k_le_k by lia.
exact (H k k k_le_k).
Theorem strong_ind_seq_with_prop {A : Type} {P : nat -> (nat -> A) -> Prop} (HypP : dep_only_on_start P)
(a0 : A) (H0 : P 0 (const_seq a0))
(Hstep : forall (k : nat) (prev : nat -> A),
(forall l : nat, l <= k -> P l prev) -> {a : A | forall l : nat, l <= (S k) -> P l (const_seq_from a (S k) prev)})
: {seq : nat -> A | forall k : nat, P k seq}.
enough {seq : nat -> A | forall k : nat, forall l : nat, l <= k -> P l seq} as [seq Hseq].
{ exists seq.
apply reformulate_final_prop_strong; exact Hseq.
apply (ind_seq_with_prop (quant_over_start_dep_only_on_start HypP) a0).
- apply reformulate_base_prop_strong; exact H0.
- exact Hstep.
End StrongInduction.
Section StrongInductionIndexSequence.
Definition index_seq_prop_family (Q : nat -> Prop) (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat) :=
match k with
| O => Q (n 0)
| S k => Q (n (k + 1)) /\ n k < n (k + 1)
Lemma dep_only_on_start_index_seq_prop_family (Q : nat -> Prop) :
dep_only_on_start (index_seq_prop_family Q).
intros k b c b_eq_c_start Hb.
induction k.
- simpl.
assert (0 <= 0) as O_le_O by lia.
rewrite <- (b_eq_c_start 0 O_le_O).
exact Hb.
- simpl.
assert (k + 1 <= S k) as kplus1_le_Sk by lia.
rewrite <- (b_eq_c_start (k + 1) kplus1_le_Sk).
assert (k <= S k) as k_le_Sk by lia.
rewrite <- (b_eq_c_start k k_le_Sk).
exact Hb.
Lemma reformulate_base_prop_index {Q : nat -> Prop} (n : nat -> nat) (k : nat) :
Q k -> index_seq_prop_family Q 0 (const_seq k).
intro Hk.
simpl. unfold const_seq.
exact Hk.
Lemma reformulate_final_prop_index {Q : nat -> Prop} {n : nat -> nat} :
(forall k : nat, index_seq_prop_family Q k n) -> is_index_seq n /\ forall k : nat, Q (n k).
intro H.
- intros k Hk.
exact (proj2 (H (S k))).
- induction k.
+ exact (H O).
+ assert (S k = k + 1) as Sk_eq_kplus1 by lia; rewrite Sk_eq_kplus1.
exact (proj1 (H (S k))).
Lemma reformulate_step_prop_index {Q : nat -> Prop} :
(forall (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat),
(forall l : nat, l <= k -> Q (n l)) -> (forall l : nat, l < k -> n l < n (l + 1)) ->
{n_kplus1 : nat | Q n_kplus1 /\ n k < n_kplus1})
(forall (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat),
(forall l : nat, l <= k -> index_seq_prop_family Q l n) ->
{n_kplus1 : nat | forall l : nat, l <= k + 1 -> index_seq_prop_family Q l (const_seq_from n_kplus1 (k + 1) n)}).
intros Hstep k n H.
assert (forall l : nat, l <= k -> Q (n l)) as H1.
{ intros l le_k.
induction l.
- apply (H 0 le_k).
- assert (S l = l + 1) as Sl_eq_lplus1 by lia; rewrite Sl_eq_lplus1.
apply (proj1 (H (S l) le_k)).
assert (forall l : nat, l < k -> n l < n (l + 1)) as H2.
{ intros l lt_k.
apply (proj2 (H (S l) lt_k)).
destruct (Hstep k n H1 H2) as [n_kplus1 Hn_kplus1].
exists n_kplus1.
intros l le_kplus1.
induction l.
- simpl; unfold const_seq_from.
destruct (lt_dec 0 (k + 1)) as [O_lt_kplus1 | not_O_lt_kplus1].
+ assert (0 <= k) as O_le_k by lia.
exact (H1 0 O_le_k).
+ exact (proj1 Hn_kplus1).
- simpl; unfold const_seq_from.
destruct (lt_dec (l + 1) (k + 1)) as [lplus1_lt_kplus1 | not_lplus1_lt_kplus1].
+ split.
* assert (l + 1 <= k) as lplus1_le_k by lia.
exact (H1 (l + 1) lplus1_le_k).
* destruct (lt_dec l (k + 1)) as [l_lt_kplus1 | not_l_lt_kplus1].
-- assert (S l <= k) as Sl_le_k by lia.
exact (proj2 (H (S l) Sl_le_k)).
-- assert False by lia; contradiction.
+ split.
* exact (proj1 Hn_kplus1).
* destruct (lt_dec l (k + 1)) as [l_lt_kplus1 | not_l_lt_kplus1].
-- assert (l = k) as l_eq_k by lia.
rewrite l_eq_k.
exact (proj2 Hn_kplus1).
-- assert False by lia; contradiction.
Theorem strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop {Q : nat -> Prop}
(H0 : {n_0 : nat | Q n_0})
(Hstep : forall (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat),
(forall l : nat, l <= k -> Q (n l)) -> (forall l : nat, l < k -> n l < n (l + 1)) ->
{n_kplus1 : nat | Q n_kplus1 /\ n k < n_kplus1})
: {n : nat -> nat | is_index_seq n /\ forall k : nat, Q (n k)}.
enough {n : nat -> nat | forall k : nat, index_seq_prop_family Q k n} as [n Hn].
{ exists n.
apply reformulate_final_prop_index.
exact Hn.
destruct H0 as [n0 Hn0].
apply (strong_ind_seq_with_prop (dep_only_on_start_index_seq_prop_family Q) n0).
- apply (reformulate_base_prop_index (const_seq n0)).
exact Hn0.
- intro k.
assert (S k = k + 1) as Sk_eq_kplus1 by lia; rewrite Sk_eq_kplus1.
apply reformulate_step_prop_index.
apply Hstep.
Definition dep_choice := non_dep_dep_functional_choice choice.
Lemma help_with_choice {A B C : Type} {D E : A -> B -> Prop} {P : A -> B -> C -> Prop} :
(forall (a : A) (b : B), D a b -> E a b-> exists c : C, P a b c) ->
(exists f : forall (a : A) (b : B), D a b -> E a b -> C, forall (a : A) (b : B) (d : D a b) (e : E a b), P a b (f a b d e)).
intro H.
apply (dep_choice _ _ (fun a f => forall (b : B) (d : D a b) (e : E a b), P a b (f b d e))).
intro a.
apply (dep_choice _ _ (fun b f => forall (d : D a b) (e : E a b), P a b (f d e))).
intro b.
apply (choice (fun d f => forall (e : E a b), P a b (f e))).
intro d.
apply (choice (fun e c => P a b c)).
apply (H a b d).
Theorem classic_strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop {Q : nat -> Prop}
(H0 : exists n_0 : nat, Q n_0)
(Hstep : forall (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat),
(forall l : nat, l <= k -> Q (n l)) -> (forall l : nat, l < k -> n l < n (l + 1)) ->
exists n_kplus1 : nat, Q n_kplus1 /\ n k < n_kplus1)
: exists n : nat -> nat, is_index_seq n /\ forall k : nat, Q (n k).
destruct H0 as [n0 Hn0].
assert {n0 | Q n0} as H0sig by (exists n0; exact Hn0).
pose (help_with_choice Hstep) as Hstep2.
destruct Hstep2 as [f Hf].
enough {n : nat -> nat | is_index_seq n /\ (forall k : nat, Q (n k))} as [n Hn].
{ exists n; exact Hn. }
apply (strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop H0sig).
intros k n H1 H2.
exists (f k n H1 H2).
apply Hf.
Open Scope subset_scope.
Theorem classic_strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop_with_element_notation {Q : nat -> Prop}
(H0 : ∃ n_0 ∈ nat, Q n_0)
(Hstep : forall (k : nat) (n : nat -> nat),
(∀ l ≤ k, Q (n l)) -> (∀ l < k, n l < n (l + 1)) ->
∃ n_kplus1 ∈ nat, Q n_kplus1 /\ n k < n_kplus1)
: ∃ n index sequence, ∀ k ∈ nat, Q (n k).
enough (exists n : nat -> nat, is_index_seq n /\ forall k : nat, Q (n k)) as H.
+ destruct H as [n0 Hn0].
exists n0.
* exact (proj1 Hn0).
* intros k Hk.
apply (proj2 Hn0).
+ apply classic_strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop.
- destruct H0 as [n0 Hn0].
exists n0.
exact (proj2 Hn0).
- intros k n H1 H2.
enough ( ∃ n_kplus1 ∈ nat, Q n_kplus1 /\ n k < n_kplus1) as H.
* destruct H as [n_kplus1 Hn_kplus1].
exists n_kplus1.
exact (proj2 Hn_kplus1).
* apply Hstep.
++ intros l Hl. unfold le_op, nat_le_type in Hl. apply H1; assumption.
++ intros l Hl. unfold lt_op, nat_lt_type in Hl. apply H2; assumption.
End StrongInductionIndexSequence.
Tactics Warning: we don't (yet) know how to specify dummy variables in existence statements,
so the use of the letters 'n' and 'k' in the tactics is hard-coded.
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.
Require Import Waterproof.Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Open Scope subset_scope.
Local Ltac2 inductive_def_index_seq_n () :=
let apply_induction_principle (p : constr) :=
let q := eval unfold id in (fun l : nat => $p id l) in
match (fun () => apply (@classic_strong_ind_index_seq_with_prop_with_element_notation $q)) with
| Val _ =>
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => apply StrongIndIndxSeq.Base.unwrap);
Control.focus 2 2 (fun () => apply StrongIndIndxSeq.Step.unwrap)
| Err exn => throw (of_string "The index sequence cannot be defined using this technique.")
end in
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- ∃ n : nat -> nat, is_index_sequence n /\ ∀ k ∈ conv nat, @?p n k] => apply_induction_principle p
| [ |- ∃ n index sequence, ∀ k ∈ conv nat, @?p n k] =>
apply_induction_principle p
| [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "The goal is not to define an index sequence.")
Ltac2 Notation "Define" "the" "index" "sequence" "n" "inductively" :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
inductive_def_index_seq_n ().
Local Ltac2 take_first_k () :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [|- StrongIndIndxSeq.Step.Wrapper _] => apply StrongIndIndxSeq.Step.wrap; intros k n
| [|- _] => throw (of_string "No need to introduce first k elements of sequence n.")
Local Ltac2 strong_ind_indx_base () :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [|- StrongIndIndxSeq.Base.Wrapper _] => apply StrongIndIndxSeq.Base.wrap
| [|- _] => throw (of_string "No need to define n_0.")
Ltac2 Notation "We" "first" "define" "n_0" :=
strong_ind_indx_base ().
Ltac2 Notation "Take" "k" "∈" "ℕ" "and" "assume" "n_0,...,n_k" "are" "defined" :=
take_first_k ().