Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.SubsequencesMetric

Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.

Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.MetricSpaces.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.SequencesMetric.
Require Import Notations.Common.
Require Import Notations.Reals.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Require Import Chains.
Require Import Tactics.

Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.

Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope metric_scope.
Open Scope subset_scope.
Definition is_index_sequence (n : ) :=
   k , (n k < n (k + 1))%nat.

Notation "'_index' 'sequence_'" := (is_index_sequence) (at level 69) : metric_scope.
Notation "'_index' 'sequence_'" := (is_index_sequence) (at level 69) : pred_for_subset_scope.

Notation "'index' 'sequence'" := (is_index_sequence) (at level 69, only parsing) : metric_scope.
Notation "'index' 'sequence'" := (is_index_sequence) (at level 69, only parsing) : pred_for_subset_scope.

Notation "n 'is' 'an' '_index' 'sequence_'" := (is_index_sequence n) (at level 68) : metric_scope.

Notation "n 'is' 'an' 'index' 'sequence'" := (is_index_sequence n) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.

Local Ltac2 unfold_is_index_sequence (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_index_sequence in $statement.

Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "index" "sequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_index_sequence (Some "index sequence") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "index" "sequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_index_sequence (Some "index sequence") false x.

The next definition captures what it means to be an index sequence.
Definition is_index_seq (n : ) :=
     k , (n k < n (k + 1))%nat.

Notation "a ◦ n" := (fun (k : nat) => a (n k)) (right associativity, at level 11).

Notation "a ◦ n ◦ m" := (fun (k : nat) => a (n (m k))) (right associativity, at level 12).

Section my_section.
Variable X : Metric_Space.

Definition is_subsequence (b : X) (a : X) :=
     m : ( ),
        is_index_sequence m k ,
            b k = (a m) k.

Definition is_accumulation_point (p : X) (a : X) :=
     m : ( ),
        is_index_sequence m (a m) p.

Lemma index_sequence_property (n : ) :
    is_index_sequence n
         k ,
            (n k k)%nat.
  unfold is_index_sequence in H.
  unfold seal.
  induction k.
  specialize (H 0%nat).
  unfold ge.
  intro H0.
  apply Nat.le_0_l.
  specialize (H k).
  unfold ge.
  intro H1.
  apply Nat.le_succ_l.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r in H.
  apply (Nat.le_lt_trans k (n k)).
  apply IHk; trivial.
  apply H; trivial.

Lemma index_sequence_property_automation (n : ) :
  is_index_sequence n
     k : , (n k k)%nat.
  intros; apply index_sequence_property; auto with wp_core.

Lemma index_seq_equiv (n : ) : is_index_seq n is_index_sequence n.
  We show both directions.
  - We need to show that (is_index_seq n is_index_sequence n).
    unfold is_index_sequence.
    Take k.
    unfold is_index_seq in H.
    We conclude that ((n k < n (k + 1))%nat).
  - We need to show that (is_index_sequence n is_index_seq n).
    unfold is_index_seq.
    Take k.
    unfold is_index_sequence in H.
    We conclude that ((n k < n (k + 1))%nat).

Definition is_increasing (g : ) :=
   k , (g k g (k + 1))%nat.

Lemma incr_loc_to_glob (g : ) :
    is_increasing g
       ( k , l , (k l)%nat (g k g l)%nat).
    Assume that ( k , (g k) (g (k + 1)))%nat.
    Take k.
    We use induction on l.
    - We first show the base case ((k 0)%nat (g k g 0)%nat).
      Assume that (k 0)%nat.
      It holds that (k = 0)%nat.
      It suffices to show that (g k = g 0)%nat.
      We conclude that (g k = g 0)%nat.
    - We now show the induction step.
      Take l.
      Assume that ((k l) (g k g l))%nat (IH).
      Assume that (k l + 1)%nat.
      destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec k (l + 1)) as [[k_lt_Sl | k_eq_Sl] | k_gt_Sl].
We first consider the case that .
        It holds that (k l)%nat.
        We conclude that (& g k <= g l <= g (l + 1))%nat.
We now consider the case . We need to show that .
        It suffices to show that (g k = g (l + 1))%nat.
        We conclude that (g k = g (l + 1))%nat.
Finally we consider the case . However, this case is in contradiction with .
        It holds that (¬(l + 1 < k)%nat).

Lemma index_sequence_property2 (n : ) :
    is_index_sequence n
         k1 , k2 ,
            (k1 k2)%nat
                (n k1 n k2)%nat.
    Assume that (is_index_sequence n).
    Take k1, k2; such that (k1 k2)%nat.
    We need to show that (n k1 n k2)%nat.
    By incr_loc_to_glob it suffices to show that (is_increasing n).
    We need to show that ( k , (n k n (k + 1))%nat).
    Take k.
    We conclude that (n k n (k+1))%nat.

Lemma index_sequence_property2_automation (n : ) :
  is_index_sequence n
     k1 : , k2 : ,
        (k1 k2)%nat
            (n k1 n k2)%nat.
  intros; apply index_sequence_property2; auto with wp_core.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma double_is_even (n : nat) : Nat.even (2 * n) = true.
  It holds that (Nat.even (2 * n) = Nat.even (0 + 2 * n)).
  It suffices to show that (Nat.even (0 + 2*n) = true).
  By Nat.even_add_mul_2 it holds that (Nat.even (0 + 2*n) = Nat.even 0).
  It holds that (Nat.even 0 = true).
  We conclude that (Nat.even (0 + 2 * n) = true).
Close Scope nat_scope.

Lemma subsequence_of_convergent_sequence (a : ( X)) (p : X) :
    a p n _index sequence_, (a n) p.
Assume that (a p).
Take n (index sequence).
It suffices to show that ( ε > 0, N1 ,
  ( k N1, (dist _ (a (n k)) p < ε)%R)%nat).
Take ε > 0.
It holds that ( N2 , k : , (k N2)%nat dist _ (a k) p < ε).
Obtain such an N2. Choose N1 := N2.
* Indeed, (N1 ).
* We need to show that (( k N1, (dist(X, a(n(k)), p) < ε)%R)%nat).
  Take k : ; such that (k N1)%nat.
  By index_sequence_property2 it holds that (n k n N1)%nat.
  By index_sequence_property it holds that (n N1 N1)%nat.
  assert (H3 : (n k N1)%nat) by auto with zarith.
  We conclude that (dist _ (a (n k)) p < ε).

Close Scope nat_scope.

Lemma equivalent_subsequence_convergence (x y : X) (p : X) :
  is_subsequence y x x p y p.
Assume that (is_subsequence y x).
Assume that (x p).
We need to show that (y p).
It holds that ( m : ( ), is_index_sequence m k , y k = (x m) k).
Obtain such an m. It holds that
  (is_index_sequence m k : , y k = (x m) k) (i).
Because (i) both (is_index_sequence m) and
  (for all k : nat, y k = x (m k)) hold.

It suffices to show that ( ε > 0, N3 ,
  ( k N3, (dist _ (y k) p < ε)%R)%nat).

Take ε : ; such that (ε > 0).
It holds that ( K , k : , (k K)%nat dist _ (x k) p < ε).
Obtain such a K. Choose N3 := K.
* Indeed, (N3 ).
* We need to show that ( k N3, (dist(X, y(k), p) < ε)%R)%nat.
  Take k : ; such that (k N3)%nat.
  By index_sequence_property2 it holds that (m k m K)%nat.
  By index_sequence_property it holds that (m K K)%nat.
  It holds that (m k K)%nat.
  It holds that (dist _ (x (m k)) p < ε).
  It holds that (y k = x (m k)) (iv).
  rewrite (iv).
  We conclude that ( dist _ (x (m k)) p < ε).

End my_section.

Notation "b 'is' 'a' '_subsequence_' 'of' a" := (is_subsequence _ b a) (at level 68) : metric_scope.
Notation "b 'is' 'a' 'subsequence' 'of' a" := (is_subsequence _ b a) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_subsequence (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_subsequence in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "subsequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_subsequence (Some "subsequence") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "subsequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_subsequence (Some "subsequence") false x.

Notation "p 'is' 'an' '_accumulation' 'point_' 'of' a" := (is_accumulation_point _ p a) (at level 68) : metric_scope.
Notation "p 'is' 'an' 'accumulation' 'point' 'of' a" := (is_accumulation_point _ p a) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_accumulation_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_accumulation_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_accumulation_point (Some "accumulation point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_accumulation_point (Some "accumulation point") false x.

#[export] Hint Resolve index_sequence_property_automation : subsequences.
#[export] Hint Extern 1 => (unfold ge) : subsequences.
#[export] Hint Resolve double_is_even : wp_integers.
#[export] Hint Resolve index_sequence_property2_automation : subsequences.

Close Scope metric_scope.
Close Scope R_scope.