Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.SubsequencesMetric

Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.

Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.MetricSpaces.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.SequencesMetric.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Tactics.

Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.

Open Scope R_scope.
Open Scope metric_scope.
Definition is_index_sequence (n : ) :=
   k : , (n k < n (k + 1))%nat.

Notation "n 'is' 'an' '_index' 'sequence_'" := (is_index_sequence n) (at level 68) : metric_scope.

Notation "n 'is' 'an' 'index' 'sequence'" := (is_index_sequence n) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.

Local Ltac2 unfold_is_index_sequence (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_index_sequence in $statement.

Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "index" "sequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_index_sequence (Some "index sequence") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "index" "sequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_index_sequence (Some "index sequence") false x.

The next definition captures what it means to be an index sequence.
Definition is_index_seq (n : ) :=
     k : , (n k < n (k + 1))%nat.

Notation "a ◦ n" := (fun (k : nat) => a (n k)) (right associativity, at level 11).

Notation "a ◦ n ◦ m" := (fun (k : nat) => a (n (m k))) (right associativity, at level 12).

Section my_section.
Variable X : Metric_Space.

Definition is_subsequence (b : X) (a : X) :=
     m : ( ),
        is_index_sequence m k : ,
            b k = (a m) k.

Definition is_accumulation_point (p : X) (a : X) :=
     m : ( ),
        is_index_sequence m (a m) p.

Lemma index_sequence_property (n : ) :
    is_index_sequence n
         k : ,
            (n k k)%nat.
  unfold is_index_sequence in H.
  induction k.
  specialize (H 0%nat).
  unfold ge.
  apply Nat.le_0_l.
  specialize (H k).
  unfold ge.
  apply Nat.le_succ_l.
  rewrite Nat.add_1_r in H.
  apply (Nat.le_lt_trans k (n k)).
  apply IHk.
  apply H.

Lemma index_seq_equiv (n : ) : is_index_seq n is_index_sequence n.
  We show both directions.
  - We need to show that (is_index_seq n is_index_sequence n).
    unfold is_index_sequence.
    Take k : .
    unfold is_index_seq in H.
    We conclude that ((n k < n (k + 1))%nat).
  - We need to show that (is_index_sequence n is_index_seq n).
    unfold is_index_seq.
    Take k : .
    unfold is_index_sequence in H.
    We conclude that ((n k < n (k + 1))%nat).

Definition is_increasing (g : ) :=
   k : , (g k g (k + 1))%nat.

Lemma incr_loc_to_glob :
   g : ,
    is_increasing g
       ( k l : , (k l)%nat (g k g l)%nat).
    Take g : ( ).
    We need to show that
      ((for all k : , (g k g (k + 1))%nat) for all k l : , (k l g k g l)%nat ).
    Assume that ( k : , (g k) (g (k + 1)))%nat.
    Take k : .
    We use induction on l.
    - We first show the base case ((k 0)%nat (g k g 0)%nat).
      Assume that (k 0)%nat.
      It holds that (k = 0)%nat.
      It suffices to show that (g k = g 0)%nat.
      We conclude that (g k = g 0)%nat.
    - We now show the induction step.
      Assume that ((k l) (g k g l))%nat (IH).
      Assume that (k l + 1)%nat.
      destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec k (l + 1)) as [[k_lt_Sl | k_eq_Sl] | k_gt_Sl].
We first consider the case that .
        It holds that (k l)%nat.
        We conclude that (& g k <= g l <= g (l + 1))%nat.
We now consider the case . We need to show that .
        It suffices to show that (g k = g (l + 1))%nat.
        We conclude that (g k = g (l + 1))%nat.
Finally we consider the case . However, this case is in contradiction with .
        It holds that (¬(l + 1 < k)%nat).

Lemma index_sequence_property2 (n : ) :
    is_index_sequence n
         k1 k2 : ,
            (k1 k2)%nat
                (n k1 n k2)%nat.
    Assume that (is_index_sequence n).
    Take k1, k2 : ; such that (k1 k2)%nat.
    We need to show that (n k1 n k2)%nat.
    By incr_loc_to_glob it suffices to show that (is_increasing n).
    We need to show that (for all k : , (n k n (k + 1))%nat).
    Take k : .
    We conclude that (n k n (k+1))%nat.

Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma double_is_even : forall n : nat, Nat.even (2 * n) = true.
  Take n : nat.
  It holds that (Nat.even (2 * n) = Nat.even (0 + 2 * n)).
  It suffices to show that (Nat.even (0 + 2*n) = true).
  By Nat.even_add_mul_2 it holds that (Nat.even (0 + 2*n) = Nat.even 0).
  It holds that (Nat.even 0 = true).
  We conclude that (Nat.even (0 + 2 * n) = true).
Close Scope nat_scope.

Lemma subsequence_of_convergent_sequence : a : ( X), p : X, a p (n : ), is_index_sequence n (a n) p.
Take a : ( X). Take p : X.
Assume that (a p).
Take n : ( ).
Assume that (is_index_sequence n).
It suffices to show that ( ε : , ε > 0 N0 : , k : , (k N0)%nat dist _ (a (n k)) p < ε).

Take ε : ; such that (ε > 0).
It holds that ( N1 : , k : , (k N1)%nat dist _ (a k) p < ε).
Obtain such an N1. Choose N0 := N1.
Take k : ; such that (k N1)%nat.
By index_sequence_property2 it holds that (n k n N1)%nat.
By index_sequence_property it holds that (n N1 N1)%nat.
assert (H3 : (n k N1)%nat) by auto with zarith.
We conclude that (dist _ (a (n k)) p < ε).

Lemma equivalent_subsequence_convergence :
   (x y : X), is_subsequence y x
     p : X, x p
      y p.
Take x, y : ( X).
Assume that (is_subsequence y x).
Take p : X.
Assume that (x p).

We need to show that (y p).
It holds that ( m : , is_index_sequence m k : , y k = (x m) k).
Obtain such an m. It holds that
  (is_index_sequence m k : , y k = (x m) k) (i).
Because (i) both (is_index_sequence m) and
  (for all k : nat, y k = x (m k)) hold.

It suffices to show that ( ε : , ε > 0 N3 : , k : , (k N3)%nat dist _ (y k) p < ε).

Take ε : ; such that (ε > 0).
It holds that ( K : , k : , (k K)%nat dist _ (x k) p < ε).
Obtain such a K. Choose N3 := K.
Take k : ; such that (k N3)%nat.
By index_sequence_property2 it holds that (m k m K)%nat.
By index_sequence_property it holds that (m K K)%nat.
It holds that (m k K)%nat.
It holds that (dist _ (x (m k)) p < ε).
It holds that (y k = x (m k)) (iv).
rewrite (iv).
We conclude that ( dist _ (x (m k)) p < ε).

End my_section.

Notation "b 'is' 'a' '_subsequence_' 'of' a" := (is_subsequence _ b a) (at level 68) : metric_scope.
Notation "b 'is' 'a' 'subsequence' 'of' a" := (is_subsequence _ b a) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_subsequence (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_subsequence in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "subsequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_subsequence (Some "subsequence") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "subsequence" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_subsequence (Some "subsequence") false x.

Notation "p 'is' 'an' '_accumulation' 'point_' 'of' a" := (is_accumulation_point _ p a) (at level 68) : metric_scope.
Notation "p 'is' 'an' 'accumulation' 'point' 'of' a" := (is_accumulation_point _ p a) (at level 68, only parsing) : metric_scope.
Local Ltac2 unfold_is_accumulation_point (statement : constr) := eval unfold is_accumulation_point in $statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_accumulation_point (Some "accumulation point") true x.
Ltac2 Notation "_internal_" "Expand" "the" "definition" "of" "accumulation point" x(opt(seq("in", constr))) :=
  wp_unfold unfold_is_accumulation_point (Some "accumulation point") false x.

#[export] Hint Resolve index_sequence_property : subsequences.
#[export] Hint Extern 1 => (unfold ge) : subsequences.
#[export] Hint Resolve double_is_even : wp_integers.
#[export] Hint Resolve index_sequence_property2 : subsequences.

Close Scope metric_scope.
Close Scope R_scope.