Library Waterproof.Tactics.Choose

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.

Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Util.Evars.

Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Local Ltac2 _binder_name_equal (name : ident) (b : binder) :=
  match b with
  | None => false
  | Some binder_name => Ident.equal name binder_name


Instantiate a variable in an exists goal, according to a given constr, and also renames the constr. The constr can contain blanks, which are filled in with freshly named evars, so that the user can refer to them later.
  • s: ident, an ident for naming an idefined constr/variable.
  • t: constr, the requirted constr that needs to be instantiated.
  • instantiates the constr t under the name s.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the goal is not an exists goal.
Ltac2 choose_variable_in_exists_goal_with_renaming (s:ident) (t:constr) :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [ |- ex ?a] =>
      check_binder_name a s;
      set ($s := $t);
      let v := Control.hyp s in
      let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_defeq in
      match Constr.has_evar t with
      | true =>
        rename_blank_evars_in_term (Ident.to_string s) t;
        warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to make a definitive choice for "; of_ident s; of_string "."; fnl ();
        of_string "For now you can use that "; of_constr constr:($v = $t); of_string "."])
      | _ => ()
      exists $v;
      assert ($w : $v = $t) by reflexivity

    | [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "`Choose` can only be applied to 'exists' goals.")

Instantiate a variable in an exists goal, according to a given constr, without renaming said constr. The constr can contain blanks, which are filled in with freshly named evars, so that the user can refer to them later.
  • t: constr, the requirted constr that needs to be instantiated.
  • instantiates the constr t under the same name.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the goal is not an exists goal.
Ltac2 choose_variable_in_exists_no_renaming (t:constr) :=
  lazy_match! goal with
  | [ |- ex ?a] =>
      let name :=
        match Constr.Unsafe.kind a with
        | Constr.Unsafe.Lambda b _ =>
          match b with
          | Some x => Ident.to_string x
          | None => "x"
        | _ => "x"
      match Constr.has_evar t with
      | true =>
        rename_blank_evars_in_term name t;
        warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to make a definite choice."]);
        eexists $t
      | false => exists $t
  | [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "`Choose` can only be applied to 'exists' goals.")

Ltac2 Notation "Choose" s(opt(seq(ident, ":="))) t(open_constr) :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  match s with
    | None => choose_variable_in_exists_no_renaming t
    | Some s => choose_variable_in_exists_goal_with_renaming s t