Library Waterproof.Tactics.Conclusion

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.

Require Import Chains.Inequalities.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.Since.
Require Import Waterprove.
Require Import MessagesToUser.
Require Import Util.TypeCorrector.

Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Ltac2 warn_equivalent_goal_given () :=
  warn (of_string
"The statement you provided does not exactly correspond to what you need to show. This can make your proof less readable."

Ltac2 wrong_goal_msg (wrong_goal : constr) :=
    [of_constr wrong_goal; of_string " does not correspond to what you need to show."].

Check if target is judgementally (i.e. by rewriting definitions) equal to the goal.
  • target:constr, expression to compare to goal.
  • bool: indicates if target is judgementally equal to the goal under focus.
Local Ltac2 target_equals_goal_judgementally (target : constr) :=
  let target := eval cbv in $target in
  let real_goal := Control.goal () in
  let real_goal := eval cbv in $real_goal in
  Constr.equal target real_goal.

Check if stated goal is what needs to be proven judgementally. If so changes current goal into stated goal. Uses global or weak global statement inequality chains of to compare these to the current goal.
  • sttd_goal: constr, stated goal, the expression that should equal the goal under focus.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If sttd_goal is not equivalent to the actual goal under focus, even after rewriting.

Local Ltac2 guarantee_stated_goal_matches (sttd_goal : constr) :=
  let sttd_goal := correct_type_by_wrapping sttd_goal in
  match Constr.equal sttd_goal (Control.goal ()) with
  | true => ()
  | false =>
    lazy_match! sttd_goal with
    | total_statement ?u =>
      let glob_statement := constr:(global_statement $u) in
      match target_equals_goal_judgementally glob_statement with
      | true => ()
      | false =>
        let weak_glob_statement := constr:(weak_global_statement $u) in
        match target_equals_goal_judgementally weak_glob_statement with
        | true => ()
        | false => throw (wrong_goal_msg sttd_goal)
      enough $sttd_goal by (waterprove 5 false Main)
    | _ =>
      match target_equals_goal_judgementally sttd_goal with
      | true => warn_equivalent_goal_given (); change $sttd_goal
      | false => throw (wrong_goal_msg sttd_goal)

Attempts to solve current goal.
If argument postpone is true, actually solving the goal is postponed. The goal is shelved using an evar.
Local Ltac2 conclude (postpone : bool) :=
  if postpone
      let g := Control.goal () in
      let evar_id := Fresh.in_goal @_Hpostpone in
      ltac1:(id claim |- evar (id : claim)) (Ltac1.of_ident evar_id) (Ltac1.of_constr g);
      let evar := Control.hyp evar_id in
      exact $evar;
      warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to provide an actual proof of ";
        of_constr g; of_string "."])
      let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
        [of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."]
      match (fun () => waterprove 5 true Main) with
      | Val _ => ()
      | Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
      | Err exn => exn

Attempts to solve current goal using additional lemma which has to be used.
Local Ltac2 core_conclude_by (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
  let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
    [of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."]
  match (fun () =>
    rwaterprove 5 true Main xtr_lemma)
  | Val _ => ()
  | Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
  | Err exn => exn

Adaptation of core_conclude_by that turns the FailedToUse errors which might be thrown into user readable errors.
Local Ltac2 conclude_by (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
  wrapper_core_by_tactic core_conclude_by xtr_lemma.

Adaptation of core_conclude_by that allows user to use mathematical statements themselves instead of references to them as extra information for the automation system. Uses the code in Since.v.
Local Ltac2 conclude_since (xtr_claim : constr) :=
  since_framework core_conclude_by xtr_claim.

Removes a StateGoal.Wrapper wrapper from the goal.
Arguments: None
  • Removes the wrapper StateGoal.Wrapper G.
Local Ltac2 unwrap_state_goal_no_check () :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [|- StateGoal.Wrapper _] => apply StateGoal.wrap
    | [|- _] => ()

Finish proving a goal using automation.
  • target_goal: constr, expression that should equal the goal under focus.
Raises exceptions:
  • AutomationFailure, if waterprove fails the prove the goal (i.e. the goal is too difficult, or does not hold).
  • ConcludeError, if target_goal is not equivalent to the actual goal under focus, even after rewriting.
Ltac2 Notation "We" "conclude" tht(opt("that")) target_goal(constr) :=
  unwrap_state_goal_no_check ();
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  guarantee_stated_goal_matches target_goal;
  conclude false.

Alternative notation for We conclude that ....
Ltac2 Notation "It" "follows" tht(opt("that")) target_goal(constr) :=
  unwrap_state_goal_no_check ();
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  guarantee_stated_goal_matches target_goal;
  conclude false.

Finish proving a goal using automation.
  • target_goal: constr, expression that should equal the goal under focus.
  • xtr_lemma: constr, lemma that can be and has to be used for proof of target_goal.
Raises exceptions:
  • AutomationFailure, if waterprove fails the prove the goal (i.e. the goal is too difficult, or does not hold).
  • ConcludeError, if target_goal is not equivalent to the actual goal under focus, even after rewriting.
Ltac2 Notation "By" xtr_lemma(constr) "we" "conclude" tht(opt("that")) target_goal(constr) :=
  unwrap_state_goal_no_check ();
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  guarantee_stated_goal_matches target_goal;
  conclude_by xtr_lemma.

Ltac2 Notation "Since" xtr_claim(constr) "we" "conclude" tht(opt("that")) target_goal(constr) :=
  unwrap_state_goal_no_check ();
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  guarantee_stated_goal_matches target_goal;
  conclude_since xtr_claim.

Finish proof by postponing the goal.
  • target_goal: constr, expression that should equal the goal under focus.
Raises exceptions:
  • ConcludeError, if target_goal is not equivalent to the actual goal under focus, even after rewriting.
Raises warning:
  • Please come back later to provide an actual proof of [target_goal]., always.
Ltac2 Notation "By" "magic" "we" "conclude" tht(opt("that")) target_goal(constr) :=
  unwrap_state_goal_no_check ();
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  guarantee_stated_goal_matches target_goal;
  conclude true.