Library Waterproof.Tactics.Help

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Require Import Waterprove.

Local Ltac2 goal_impl_msg (premise: constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "The goal is to show an implication (⇒). Assume the premise "; of_constr premise; of_string ", use Assume that (...)."].

Local Ltac2 goal_func_msg (var_type: constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "The goal is to construct a map (⇒). Introduce an arbitrary variable of type "; of_constr var_type; of_string ", use Take ... : (...)."].

Local Ltac2 goal_forall_msg (var_type: constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "The goal is to show a ‘for all’-statement (∀). Introduce an arbitrary variable of type "; of_constr var_type; of_string ", use Take ... : (...)."].

Local Ltac2 goal_exists_msg (var_type: constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "The goal is to show a ‘there exists’-statement (∃). Choose a specific variable of type "; of_constr var_type; of_string ", use Choose ... := (...)."].

Local Ltac2 goal_and_msg () := of_string
  "The goal is to show a conjunction (∧). Show both statements, use We show both statements.".

Local Ltac2 goal_or_msg () := of_string
"The goal is to show a disjunction (∨). It suffices to show one of the statements, use It suffices to show that (...).".

Local Ltac2 goal_neg_msg (negated_type : constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "The goal is to show a negation (¬). Assume that the negated expression "; of_constr negated_type; of_string ", use Assume that (...)."].

Local Ltac2 goal_directly () := of_string
  "The goal can be shown immediately, use We conclude that (...).".

Local Ltac2 goal_no_hint ():= of_string
  "No direct hint available. Does the goal contain a definition that can be expanded?".

Auxilliary tactic that checks if goal can be shown with automation
Local Ltac2 solvable_by_core_auto () :=
  let temp_id := Fresh.in_goal @temp in
  let goal := Control.goal () in
  assert $goal as $temp_id;
  Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => waterprove 5 true Main);
  clear $temp_id.

Local Ltac2 need_to_follow_advice () : bool :=
  let gl := Control.goal () in
  lazy_match! gl with
  | Case.Wrapper _ _ => true
  | NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper _ => true
  | NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper _ => true
  | StateGoal.Wrapper _ => true
  | StateHyp.Wrapper _ _ _ => true
  | ByContradiction.Wrapper _ _ => true
  | False => true
  | _ => false

Local Ltac2 goal_hint () : message :=
  let gl := Control.goal () in
  lazy_match! gl with
  | ?a -> ?b =>
    let sort_a := get_value_of_hyp a in
    match check_constr_equal sort_a constr:(Prop) with
      | true => goal_impl_msg a
      | false => goal_func_msg a
  | forall v:?v_type, _ => goal_forall_msg v_type
  | exists v:?v_type, _ => goal_exists_msg v_type
  | _ /\ _ => goal_and_msg ()
  | _ \/ _ => goal_or_msg ()
  | not ?g => goal_neg_msg g
  | _ => goal_no_hint ()

Local Ltac2 forall_filter (x : constr) : bool :=
  lazy_match! x with
  | ?a -> ?b => false
  | forall _, _ => true
  | _ => false

Local Ltac2 exists_filter (x : constr) : bool :=
  lazy_match! x with
  | exists _, _ => true
  | _ => false

Local Ltac2 is_empty (ls : 'a list) :=
  match ls with
  | _::_ => false
  | [] => true

Ltac2 print_hints () :=
  if (need_to_follow_advice ())
    then (print (of_string "Follow the advice in the goal window."))
      match (solvable_by_core_auto) with
      | Val _ => print (goal_directly ())
      | Err exn =>

        print (goal_hint ());

        let hyps := (fun (i, x, t) => t) (Control.hyps ()) in
        let forall_hyps := List.filter (forall_filter) hyps in
        let exists_hyps := List.filter (exists_filter) hyps in

        if (is_empty forall_hyps)
          then ()
          else (
            print(of_string "");
            print(of_string "To use one of the ‘for all’-statements (∀)");
            List.fold_left (fun _ h => print (concat (of_string " ") (of_constr h))) forall_hyps ();
            print(of_string "use");
            print(of_string " Use ... := (...) in (...).")
        if (is_empty exists_hyps)
          then ()
          else (
            print(of_string "");
            print(of_string "To use one of the ‘there exists’-statements (∃)");
            List.fold_left (fun _ h => print (concat (of_string " ") (of_constr h))) exists_hyps ();
            print(of_string "use");
            print(of_string " Obtain ... according to (...).")

Help tactic

Tries to give a hint how to proceed proving the current goal.
Ltac2 Notation "Help" := print_hints ().

Module HelpNewHyp.

Given a forall- or exists-statement, prints suggestion how to use it.

Ltac2 suggest_how_to_use (x : constr) (label : ident option) :=
  if Bool.neg (get_print_hypothesis_flag ()) then ()
  let msg_label :=
    match label with
    | None => of_string "..."
    | Some i => of_ident i
  lazy_match! x with
  | ?a -> ?b => ()
  | forall _, _ =>
      print (concat_list [
        of_string "To use "; of_constr x; of_string ", use"]);
      print (concat_list [
        of_string " Use ... := (...) in ("; msg_label; of_string ")."])
  | exists _, _ =>
      print (concat_list [
        of_string "To use "; of_constr x; of_string ", use"]);
      print (of_string " Obtain such a ... .")
  | _ => ()

Given a forall- or exists-statement, prints suggestion how to use it, after statement is proven.
(for use in 'We claim that ...'-tactic.)

Ltac2 suggest_how_to_use_after_proof (x : constr) (label : ident option) :=
  if Bool.neg (get_print_hypothesis_flag ()) then ()
  let msg_label :=
    match label with
    | None => of_string "..."
    | Some i => of_ident i
  lazy_match! x with
  | ?a -> ?b => ()
  | forall _, _ =>
      print (concat_list [
        of_string "After proving "; of_constr x; of_string ", use it with"]);
      print (concat_list [
        of_string " Use ... := (...) in ("; msg_label; of_string ")."])
  | exists _, _ =>
      print (concat_list [
        of_string "After proving "; of_constr x; of_string ", use it with"]);
      print (of_string " Obtain such a ... .")
  | _ => ()

End HelpNewHyp.