Library Waterproof.Tactics.Obtain
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.
Require Import Util.Init.
Local Ltac2 get_type (x: constr) : constr := eval unfold type_of in (type_of $x).
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Tries to make the assertion True with label label.
Throws an error if this fails, i.e. if the label is already used
for another one of the hypotheses.
This check was separated out from the 'assert'-tactics below because the
'label is already used error' would otherwise be caught in
the code meant to catch AutomationFailure errors.
Local Ltac2 try_out_label (label : ident) :=
match (fun () =>
assert True as $label by exact I)
| Err exn => exn
| Val _ => clear $label
Local Ltac2 rec destruct_and (hyp : ident) :=
let hyp_c := Control.hyp hyp in
match! (Constr.type hyp_c) with
| (_ /\ _) =>
let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
destruct $hyp_c as [$w $hyp];
unfold ge_op, R_ge_type, nat_ge_type, gt_op, R_gt_type,
nat_gt_type, subset_type in $w;
destruct_and hyp
| _ => ()
Attempts to obtain a variable from a user-specified statement.
Raises exceptions:
- var : ident, the name of the variable to be obtained.
- hyp : ident, label of the statement the variable should be obtained from.
- Destructs the statement hyp into the variable var and its corresponding property.
- Copies the statement hyp into a new statement with the same label hyp to preserve the statement despite its destruction.
- the name of the new hypothesis.
- ObtainError, if no statement to destruct or if the previous statement was not an existence statement or a sigma type.
Ltac2 obtain_according_to (var : ident) (hyp : ident) :=
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
let type_h := get_type h in
match! type_h with
| seal _ _ => unfold seal at 1 in $hyp
| _ => ()
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
let type_h := get_type h in
lazy_match! type_h with
| ex ?pred =>
check_binder_warn pred var true
| sig ?pred =>
check_binder_warn pred var true
| _ => throw (concat_list
[of_string "Couldn't obtain "; of_ident var; of_string "."; fnl ();
of_string "There aren't enough variables to obtain."])
destruct $h as [$var $hyp];
unfold subset_type in $var;
destruct_and hyp.
Local Ltac2 panic_ident_Qed (i : ident) :=
if Ident.equal i @Qed
then throw (of_string "Syntax error: variable name expected after 'such'.")
else ().
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
let type_h := get_type h in
match! type_h with
| seal _ _ => unfold seal at 1 in $hyp
| _ => ()
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
let type_h := get_type h in
lazy_match! type_h with
| ex ?pred =>
check_binder_warn pred var true
| sig ?pred =>
check_binder_warn pred var true
| _ => throw (concat_list
[of_string "Couldn't obtain "; of_ident var; of_string "."; fnl ();
of_string "There aren't enough variables to obtain."])
destruct $h as [$var $hyp];
unfold subset_type in $var;
destruct_and hyp.
Local Ltac2 panic_ident_Qed (i : ident) :=
if Ident.equal i @Qed
then throw (of_string "Syntax error: variable name expected after 'such'.")
else ().
Attempts to obtain variables from the indicated statement.
Raises fatal exceptions:
- vars : ident list, the names of the variable to be obtained.
- hyp : ident, the label of the statement the variables should be obtained from.
- Destructs the statement hyp into the variables vars and their corresponding property.
- Copies the previous statement into a new statement with the same identifier to preserve the statement despite its destruction.
- If no statement to destruct for the given amount of variables or if the previous statement was not an existence statement or a sigma type.
Ltac2 obtain_seq_according_to (vars : ident list) (hyp) :=
let prop_label := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
let og_term := Control.hyp hyp in
let pre_og_type := get_type og_term in
let og_type :=
match! pre_og_type with
| seal _ _ => eval unfold seal at 1 in $pre_og_type
| _ => pre_og_type
end in
lazy_match! og_type with
| ex ?pred => ()
| sig ?pred => ()
| _ => throw (concat_list
[of_string "Can only obtain variables from 'there exists...' statements."])
assert $pre_og_type as $prop_label;
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact $og_term);
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
(fun var =>
panic_ident_Qed var;
try_out_label var;
obtain_according_to var hyp) vars;
Std.rename [(prop_label, hyp); (hyp, prop_label)].
let prop_label := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
let og_term := Control.hyp hyp in
let pre_og_type := get_type og_term in
let og_type :=
match! pre_og_type with
| seal _ _ => eval unfold seal at 1 in $pre_og_type
| _ => pre_og_type
end in
lazy_match! og_type with
| ex ?pred => ()
| sig ?pred => ()
| _ => throw (concat_list
[of_string "Can only obtain variables from 'there exists...' statements."])
assert $pre_og_type as $prop_label;
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact $og_term);
let h := Control.hyp hyp in
(fun var =>
panic_ident_Qed var;
try_out_label var;
obtain_according_to var hyp) vars;
Std.rename [(prop_label, hyp); (hyp, prop_label)].
Attempts to obtain variables from the previous statement.
Raises fatal exceptions:
- vars : ident list, the names of the variable to be obtained.
- Destructs the previous statement into the variables vars and their corresponding property.
- Copies the previous statement into a new statement with the same identifier to preserve the statement despite its destruction.
- If no statement to destruct or if the previous statement was not an existence statement or a sigma type.
Ltac2 obtain_according_to_last (vars : ident list) :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [id_h : _ |- _ ] =>
let h := Control.hyp id_h in
let pre_type_h := get_type h in
let type_h :=
match! pre_type_h with
| seal _ _ => eval unfold seal at 1 in $pre_type_h
| _ => pre_type_h
end in
lazy_match! type_h with
| ex ?pred =>
obtain_seq_according_to vars id_h
| sig ?pred => obtain_seq_according_to vars id_h
| _ => throw (of_string
"Previous statement is not of the form 'there exists ...'.")
| [ |- _] => throw (of_string
"No statement to obtain variable from.")
Ltac2 Notation "Obtain" "such" a(opt("a")) an(opt("an"))
vars(list1(ident, ",")) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
obtain_according_to_last vars.
Ltac2 Notation "Obtain" vars(list1(ident, ",")) "according" "to"
hyp(seq("(", ident, ")")):=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
obtain_seq_according_to vars hyp.