Library Waterproof.Tactics.Take
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.
Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Local Ltac2 too_many_of_type_message (t : constr) :=
concat_list [of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables of type ";
of_constr t; of_string "."].
Local Ltac2 could_not_introduce_no_forall_message (id : ident) :=
concat_list [of_string "Could not introduce "; of_ident id;
of_string ". There is no variable to introduce at this point."].
Local Ltac2 expected_implication_message (id : ident) :=
concat_list [of_string "Expected an implication after introducing ";
of_ident id; of_string "."].
Local Ltac2 expected_of_type_instead_of_message (e : constr) (t : constr) :=
concat_list [of_string "Expected variable of type "; of_constr e;
of_string " instead of "; of_constr t; of_string "."].
Local Ltac2 expected_different_condition_message (e : constr) (expected : constr) :=
concat_list [of_string "The condition " ; of_constr e; of_string " does not correspond to the expected condition "; of_constr expected].
Ltac2 Type TakeKind :=
[TakeCol | TakeEl | TakeGt | TakeGe | TakeLt | TakeLe | TakeNone ].
Ltac2 string_to_take_kind (s : string) :=
if String.equal s ":" then
else if String.equal s "∈" then
else if String.equal s ">" then
else if String.equal s "≥" then
else if String.equal s "<" then
else if String.equal s "≤" then
(throw (of_string "Unknown symbol encountered after Take"); TakeCol).
Local Ltac2 get_take_kind (option_tuple : unit option * 'a option * 'b option * 'c option* 'd option * 'e option) :=
let (col_opt, el_opt, gt_opt, ge_opt, lt_opt, le_opt) := option_tuple in
let final_list := List.concat [
(match col_opt with | Some _ => [TakeCol] | None => [] end);
(match el_opt with | Some _ => [TakeEl] | None => [] end);
(match gt_opt with | Some _ => [TakeGt] | None => [] end);
(match ge_opt with | Some _ => [TakeGe] | None => [] end);
(match lt_opt with | Some _ => [TakeLt] | None => [] end);
(match le_opt with | Some _ => [TakeLe] | None => [] end)] in
if (List.length final_list) 1 then
throw (of_string "Too many symbols provided to the 'Take' tactic. Use exactly one of: :, ∈, >, ≥, < , ≤"); TakeCol
match final_list with
| [] => TakeNone
| hd :: _ => hd
Local Ltac2 pred_from_take_kind (rhs : constr) (tk : TakeKind) :=
match tk with
| TakeCol => throw (Message.of_string "No assumption expected when using 'Take : '. Please report.");
| TakeEl => constr:((∈ $rhs)%pfs)
| TakeGt => constr:((> $rhs)%pfs)
| TakeGe => constr:((≥ $rhs)%pfs)
| TakeLt => constr:((< $rhs)%pfs)
| TakeLe => constr:((≤ $rhs)%pfs)
| TakeNone => rhs
Local Ltac2 intro_with_assum (id : ident) (rhs : constr) (tk : TakeKind) :=
intro $id;
unfold subset_type in $id;
let id_c := Control.hyp id in
let pred := pred_from_take_kind rhs tk in
lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
| (?cond -> _) =>
if check_constr_equal constr:($pred $id_c) cond then
let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
intro $w;
unfold ge_op, nat_ge_type, R_ge_type,
gt_op, nat_gt_type, R_gt_type,
lt_op, nat_lt_type, R_lt_type,
le_op, nat_le_type, R_le_type in $w
throw (expected_different_condition_message constr:($pred $id_c) cond)
| _ => throw (expected_implication_message id)
Introduces a variable.
- id : ident : variable to introduce.
- rhs : constr: the right-hand-side in the take-command for id.
- Introduces the variable id.
- If the current goal does not require the introduction of a variable of type type, including coercions of type.
Local Ltac2 intro_ident (id : ident) (rhs : constr) (tk : TakeKind) :=
let is_sealed := lazy_match! Control.goal () with
| seal _ _ => unfold seal at 1; true
| _ => false
end in
let current_goal := Control.goal () in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind (current_goal) with
| Constr.Unsafe.Prod b a =>
check_binder_warn current_goal id true
| _ => throw (could_not_introduce_no_forall_message id)
match tk with
| TakeCol =>
let type := rhs in
lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
| (forall _ : ?u, _) =>
if check_constr_equal u (get_coerced_type type) then
intro $id;
unfold subset_type in $id
else throw (too_many_of_type_message type)
| _ => throw (could_not_introduce_no_forall_message id)
| TakeEl =>
let type := rhs in
intro $id;
unfold subset_type in $id;
let id_c := Control.hyp id in
lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
| (?v ∈ ?set_in_cond -> _) =>
let possibly_coerced_type :=
lazy_match! Constr.type type with
| subset _ => type
| _ -> Prop => type
| _ => get_coerced_type type
end in
let possibly_coerced_set :=
lazy_match! set_in_cond with
| conv ?typ => typ
| _ => set_in_cond
end in
if Bool.and (Constr.equal v id_c)
(check_constr_equal possibly_coerced_set possibly_coerced_type) then
let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
intro $w
throw (expected_different_condition_message constr:($v ∈ $set_in_cond)
constr:($id_c ∈ $rhs))
| _ => throw (expected_implication_message id)
| _ => intro_with_assum id rhs tk
let is_sealed := lazy_match! Control.goal () with
| seal _ _ => unfold seal at 1; true
| _ => false
end in
let current_goal := Control.goal () in
match Constr.Unsafe.kind (current_goal) with
| Constr.Unsafe.Prod b a =>
check_binder_warn current_goal id true
| _ => throw (could_not_introduce_no_forall_message id)
match tk with
| TakeCol =>
let type := rhs in
lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
| (forall _ : ?u, _) =>
if check_constr_equal u (get_coerced_type type) then
intro $id;
unfold subset_type in $id
else throw (too_many_of_type_message type)
| _ => throw (could_not_introduce_no_forall_message id)
| TakeEl =>
let type := rhs in
intro $id;
unfold subset_type in $id;
let id_c := Control.hyp id in
lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
| (?v ∈ ?set_in_cond -> _) =>
let possibly_coerced_type :=
lazy_match! Constr.type type with
| subset _ => type
| _ -> Prop => type
| _ => get_coerced_type type
end in
let possibly_coerced_set :=
lazy_match! set_in_cond with
| conv ?typ => typ
| _ => set_in_cond
end in
if Bool.and (Constr.equal v id_c)
(check_constr_equal possibly_coerced_set possibly_coerced_type) then
let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
intro $w
throw (expected_different_condition_message constr:($v ∈ $set_in_cond)
constr:($id_c ∈ $rhs))
| _ => throw (expected_implication_message id)
| _ => intro_with_assum id rhs tk
Introduces a list of variables of single type.
Raises fatal exceptions:
- pair : (ident list * constr): list of variables paired with their type.
- Introduces the variables in pair.
- If the current goal does not require the introduction of a variable of type type, including coercions of type.
Local Ltac2 intro_per_type (pair : (ident list * unit option * 'a option * 'b option * 'c option * 'd option * 'e option * constr)) :=
let (ids, col_opt, in_opt, gt_opt, ge_opt, lt_opt, le_opt, type) := pair in
let take_kind := get_take_kind (col_opt, in_opt, gt_opt, ge_opt, lt_opt, le_opt) in
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- seal (fun _ => forall _ : ?u, _) _ ] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false =>
List.iter (fun id => intro_ident id type take_kind) ids
| true => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
| [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false =>
List.iter (fun id => intro_ident id type take_kind) ids
| true => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
| [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
let (ids, col_opt, in_opt, gt_opt, ge_opt, lt_opt, le_opt, type) := pair in
let take_kind := get_take_kind (col_opt, in_opt, gt_opt, ge_opt, lt_opt, le_opt) in
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- seal (fun _ => forall _ : ?u, _) _ ] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false =>
List.iter (fun id => intro_ident id type take_kind) ids
| true => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
| [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false =>
List.iter (fun id => intro_ident id type take_kind) ids
| true => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
| [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
Checks whether variables need to be introduced, attempts to introduce a list of variables of certain types.
Local Ltac2 take (x : (ident list * unit option * 'a option * 'b option * 'c option * 'd option * 'e option * constr) list) :=
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- seal (fun _ => forall _ : ?u, _) _ ] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false => List.iter intro_per_type x
| true => throw (of_string "`Take ...` cannot be used to prove an implication (⇨). Use `Assume that ...` instead.")
| [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false => List.iter intro_per_type x
| true => throw (of_string "`Take ...` cannot be used to prove an implication (⇨). Use `Assume that ...` instead.")
| [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "`Take ...` can only be used to prove a `for all`-statement (∀) or to construct a map (→).")
Ltac2 Notation "Take" x(list1(seq(list1(ident, ","),
opt (":"), opt("∈"), opt(">"), opt("≥"), opt("<"), opt("≤"), constr), "and")) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
take x.
lazy_match! goal with
| [ |- seal (fun _ => forall _ : ?u, _) _ ] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false => List.iter intro_per_type x
| true => throw (of_string "`Take ...` cannot be used to prove an implication (⇨). Use `Assume that ...` instead.")
| [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
| false => List.iter intro_per_type x
| true => throw (of_string "`Take ...` cannot be used to prove an implication (⇨). Use `Assume that ...` instead.")
| [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "`Take ...` can only be used to prove a `for all`-statement (∀) or to construct a map (→).")
Ltac2 Notation "Take" x(list1(seq(list1(ident, ","),
opt (":"), opt("∈"), opt(">"), opt("≥"), opt("<"), opt("≤"), constr), "and")) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
take x.