Library Waterproof.Tactics.Take

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Local Ltac2 too_many_of_type_message (t : constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables of type ";
    of_constr t; of_string "."].

Local Ltac2 expected_of_type_instead_of_message (e : constr) (t : constr) :=
  concat_list [of_string "Expected variable of type "; of_constr e;
    of_string " instead of "; of_constr t; of_string "."].

Introduces a variable.
  • id : ident : variable to introduce.
  • type: constr: type of the variable id.
  • Introduces the variable id.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the current goal does not require the introduction of a variable of type type, including coercions of type.
Local Ltac2 intro_ident (id : ident) (type : constr) :=
  let current_goal := Control.goal () in
  match Constr.Unsafe.kind current_goal with
  | Constr.Unsafe.Prod b a =>
      let ct := get_coerced_type type in
      match check_constr_equal (Constr.Binder.type b) ct with
        | true => ()
        | false => throw (too_many_of_type_message type)
      check_binder_name current_goal id;
      intro $id
    | _ => throw (too_many_of_type_message type)

Introduces a list of variables of single type.
  • pair : (ident list * constr): list of variables paired with their type.
  • Introduces the variables in pair.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the current goal does not require the introduction of a variable of type type, including coercions of type.
Local Ltac2 intro_per_type (pair : ident list * constr) :=
  let (ids, type) := pair in
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
      let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
      match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
        | false =>
          let ct := get_coerced_type type in
          match check_constr_equal u ct with
            | true => List.iter (fun id => intro_ident id type) ids
            | false => throw (expected_of_type_instead_of_message u type)
        | true => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")
    | [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "Tried to introduce too many variables.")

Checks whether variables need to be introduced, attempts to introduce a list of variables of certain types.
Local Ltac2 take (x : (ident list * constr) list) :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [ |- forall _ : ?u, _] =>
      let sort_u := get_value_of_hyp u in
      match check_constr_equal sort_u constr:(Prop) with
        | false => List.iter intro_per_type x
        | true => throw (of_string "`Take ...` cannot be used to prove an implication (⇨). Use `Assume that ...` instead.")
    | [ |- _ ] => throw (of_string "`Take ...` can only be used to prove a `for all`-statement (∀) or to construct a map (→).")

Ltac2 Notation "Take" x(list1(seq(list1(ident, ","), ":", constr), "and")) :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  take x.