Library Waterproof.Util.Assertions

Waterproof test framework

This file contains the Waterproof test framework.
To use the framework, import it with Require Import Waterproof.Util.Assertions.
Note that for writing tests for the output of Waterproof tactics, it can be useful to first write on the top of the file: Waterproof Enable Logging. After writing all the tests, this line should be replaced by Waterproof Enable Redirect Feedback. otherwise feedback shows up during compilation of the library.

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Int.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Require Import Waterproof.Waterproof.
Require Import Waterproof.Util.MessagesToUser.

Require Import Util.Init.

Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Introduce global test verbosity.
Ltac2 mutable test_verbosity () := 0.

Ltac2 Type exn ::= [ TestFailedError(message) ].

Ltac2 fail_test (msg:message) := (TestFailedError msg).

Definition type_of_test_aux {T : Type} (x : T) := T.

A function that prints a message in case a test is passed. The function only prints if the global test_verbosity is larger than or equal than 1.
  • msg : message The message to print on success.
Ltac2 print_success (msg : message) :=
  match (ge (test_verbosity ()) 1) with
    | false => ()
    | _ => print msg

Checks if the function "f" raises an error when evaluated.
  • f, function without arguments.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the execution of "f" does **not** raise a catchable exception.
Ltac2 assert_raises_error f :=
  match f with
    | Val _ => fail_test (of_string "Should raise an error")
    | Err exn => print_success (concat
      (of_string "Test passed, got error:")
      (of_exn exn))

Checks if a tactic fails with error message corresponding to a specific string
  • tac, the tactic to execute
  • expected_string, the expected error message
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the tactic does not fail or if it fails with the wrong error message
Ltac2 assert_fails_with_string (tac : unit -> 'a) (expected_string : string) :=
  match tac with
  | Val _ => fail_test (of_string ("The tactic was expected to fail but it didn't"))
  | Err exn =>
    let inner_msg_equal := fun msg =>
      String.equal (Message.to_string msg) expected_string in
    let inner_msg_test := fun msg =>
      if inner_msg_equal msg then
        print_success (of_string ("The tactic failed with the expected error message"))
        fail_test (concat_list [of_string "The tactic failed, but with an unexpected error message. Expected:"; fnl ();
        of_string expected_string; fnl (); of_string "Got:"; fnl (); msg]) in
    match exn with
    | RedirectedToUserError msg => inner_msg_test msg
    | TestFailedError msg => inner_msg_test msg
TODO: add more possible errors here
    | e =>
      let msg := Message.of_exn e in
      inner_msg_test msg

Ltac2 feedback_verb_infinitive (lvl : FeedbackLevel) :=
  match lvl with
  | Debug => "send a debug message"
  | Info => "inform"
  | Notice => "notice"
  | Warning => "warn"
  | Error => "send an error message"

Ltac2 feedback_verb_past_tense (lvl : FeedbackLevel) :=
  match lvl with
  | Debug => "sent a debug message"
  | Info => "informed"
  | Notice => "noticed"
  | Warning => "warned"
  | Error => "sent an error message"

Asserts that n feedback messages are produced at feedback level lvl by executing the tactic tac
  • tac, the tactic to execute
  • lvl, the feedback level
  • n, the number of feedback messages expected
Raises Fatal Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the tactic produces a different number of feedback messages than expected.
Ltac2 assert_feedback_n (tac : unit -> 'a) (lvl : FeedbackLevel) (n : int) :=
  let length_before := List.length (get_feedback_log lvl) in
  tac ();
  let length_after := List.length (get_feedback_log lvl) in
  if Int.equal (Int.sub length_after length_before) n then
    print_success (concat_list [of_string "The tactic "; of_string (feedback_verb_past_tense lvl);
        of_string " "; of_int n; of_string " times"])
    fail_test (concat_list [of_string "The tactic was expected to ";
    of_string (feedback_verb_infinitive lvl) ; of_string " ";
    of_int n; of_string " times, but it ";
    of_string (feedback_verb_past_tense lvl); of_string " ";
    of_int (Int.sub length_after length_before); of_string " times."]).

Assert that the execution of the tactic does not produce a warning
  • tac, the tactic to execute
Raises Fatal Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the tactic produces a warning.
Ltac2 assert_no_feedback (tac : unit -> 'a) (lvl : FeedbackLevel) :=
  assert_feedback_n tac lvl 0.

Asserts that a feedback message msg after converting to a string is as expected.
  • expected_string, the expected feedback message
  • msg, the feedback message
Raises Fatal Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the feedback message is not as expected.
Ltac2 assert_feedback_string_equals (expected_string : string) (msg : message) :=
  if String.equal (Message.to_string msg) expected_string then
    print_success (of_string ("The feedback message is as expected"))
    fail_test (concat_list [of_string "The feedback message is not as expected. Expected:"; fnl (); of_string expected_string; fnl ();
    of_string "Got:"; fnl (); of_string (Message.to_string msg)]).

Asserts that the feedback messages produced by the tactic at a given feedback level are as expected.
  • tac, the tactic to execute
  • lvl, the feedback level
  • expected_strings, the expected feedback messages
Raises Fatal Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the feedback messages are not as expected.
Ltac2 assert_feedback_with_strings (tac : unit -> 'a) (lvl : FeedbackLevel)
    (expected_strings : string list) :=
  assert_feedback_n (tac) lvl (List.length expected_strings);
  let short_list := List.firstn (List.length expected_strings)
    (get_feedback_log lvl) in
  List.iter (fun (x, y) => assert_feedback_string_equals x y)
    (List.combine expected_strings (List.rev short_list)).

Checks if a tactic warns with warning corresponding to a specific string
  • tac, the tactic to execute
  • expected_string, the expected warning message
Raises exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the tactic does not warn or if it warns with the wrong warning message
Ltac2 assert_feedback_with_string (tac : unit -> 'a) (lvl : FeedbackLevel) (expected_string : string) :=
  assert_feedback_with_strings tac lvl [expected_string].

Checks if a tactic warns
  • tac, the tactic to execute
Raises exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if the tactic does not warn or if it warns with the wrong warning message
Ltac2 assert_feedback (tac : unit -> 'a) (lvl : FeedbackLevel) :=
  let length_before := List.length (get_feedback_log lvl) in
  tac ();
  let length_after := List.length (get_feedback_log lvl) in
  if Int.equal length_after length_before then
    fail_test (concat_list [of_string "The tactic was expected to " ; of_string (feedback_verb_infinitive lvl) ; of_string " but it didn't"])
    print_success (concat_list [of_string ("The tactic "); of_string (feedback_verb_past_tense lvl)]).

Checks if two lists (of arbitrary type) are equal.
Raises an error if they have different lengths, or that there exists an index such that their value at that index differs.
  • x, y: ('a list), lists of arbitrary type to be compared.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if x and y have a different length.
  • TestFailedError, if there exists an i such that xi ≠ yi.
Ltac2 rec assert_list_equal (f : 'a -> 'a -> bool) (of_a : 'a -> message) (x:'a list) (y: 'a list) :=
  match x with
    | x_head::x_tail =>
      match y with
        | y_head::y_tail =>
          match (f x_head y_head) with
            | true => assert_list_equal f of_a x_tail y_tail
            | false =>
                  (of_string "Unequal elements:")
                  (concat (of_a x_head) (of_a y_head))
        | [] => fail_test (of_string "First list has more elements")
    | [] =>
      match y with
        | [] => print_success (of_string "Test passed: lists indeed equal")
        | y_head::y_tai => fail_test (of_string "Second list has more elements")

Asserts that the hypothesis of the given ident exists in the current environment.
  • h : ident, identifier of target hypothesis
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if there is no hypothesis with the identifier stored in h in the current context.
Ltac2 assert_hyp_exists (h: ident) :=
  match (fun () => Control.hyp h) with
    | Val _ => print_success(concat (of_string "Indeed hyp exists:") (of_ident h))
    | Err exn => fail_test (concat (of_exn exn) (of_string "Hyp not found"))

Asserts that the hypothesis of the given ident exists in the current environment, AND has the indicated type.
  • h : ident, identifier of target hypothesis.
  • t : constr, expected type of the hypothesis identified by the value of h.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if there is no hypothesis with the identifier stored in h in the current context.
  • TestFailedError, if the hypothesis identified by h has a different type than t. Types are normalized before comparison.
Ltac2 assert_hyp_has_type (h: ident) (t: constr) :=
  assert_hyp_exists h;
  let h_val := Control.hyp h in
  let h_normalized := (eval cbv in (type_of_test_aux $h_val)) in
  let t_normalized := (eval cbv in $t) in
  match Constr.equal h_normalized t_normalized with
    | true => print_success
        (concat (of_string "Hypothesis '") (of_ident h))
        (concat (of_string "' indeed has type: ") (of_constr t))

    | false =>
      fail_test (concat
          (of_string "Hypothesis has wrong type. Expected type: ")
          (of_constr t)
          (of_string ", actual type: ")
          (of_constr (eval cbv in (type_of_test_aux $h_val)))

Asserts that the constr-variable describes a Gallina bool with value true.
  • b: constr, should equal true.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if b is not a bool.
  • TestFailedError, if b is false.
Ltac2 assert_constr_is_true (b:constr) :=
  match Constr.equal b constr:(true) with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Test passed: received constr:(true)")
    | false => fail_test (of_string "Did not get a constr equal to a bool with value true")

Asserts that the Ltac2-variable is a bool with value true.
  • b: bool, should equal true.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if b is not a bool.
  • TestFailedError, if b is false.
Ltac2 assert_is_true (b:bool) :=
  match b with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Test passed: received true")
    | false => fail_test (of_string "Expected Ltac2 true, got Ltac2 bool 'false'")

Asserts that the Ltac2-variable is a bool with value false.
  • b: bool, should equal false.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if b is not a bool.
  • TestFailedError, if b is true.
Ltac2 assert_is_false (b:bool) :=
  match b with
    | false => print_success (of_string "Test passed: received false")
    | true => fail_test (of_string "Expected Ltac2 FALSE, got Ltac2 bool 'true'")

Local Ltac2 rec string_equal_rec (idx) (s1:string) (s2:string) :=
  let len1 := (String.length s1) in
  let len2 := (String.length s2) in
  match Int.equal len1 len2 with
    | false => false
    | true =>
      match (Int.equal idx len1) with
        | true => true
        | false =>
          let ascii_int_1 := Char.to_int (String.get s1 idx) in
          let ascii_int_2 := Char.to_int (String.get s2 idx) in
          match Int.equal ascii_int_1 ascii_int_2 with
            | true => string_equal_rec (Int.add idx 1) s1 s2
            | false => false

Compares two Ltac2 strings for equality.
  • s1, s2: string, strings to compare.
  • bool: indicates if s1 and s2 have the same length and the same characters
Ltac2 string_equal (s1:string) (s2:string) := string_equal_rec 0 s1 s2.

Asserts two Ltac2 strings are equal.
  • s1, s2: string, strings to compare.
Raises Exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if s1 has different characters or a different length as s2.
Ltac2 assert_string_equal (s1:string) (s2:string) :=
  match string_equal s1 s2 with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Test passed: strings are equal")
    | false => fail_test (of_string "Strings not equal")

Checks if the current goal under focus is judgementally equal to the provided constr.
  • target: constr, expression that should be judgementally equal to the goal.
Raises exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if target is not judgementally equal to the goal.
Ltac2 assert_goal_is (target:constr) :=
  let g := Control.goal () in
  let g' := (eval cbv in $g) in
  let t' := (eval cbv in $target) in
  match Constr.equal g' t' with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Target is indeed equal to the goal.")
    | false => fail_test (of_string "Target not equal to the goal.")

Checks if the type of a term corresponds to an expected type.
  • term : constr the term to determine the type of
  • expected_type : constr the expected type
Raises exceptions:
  • TestFailedError if the type of term doesn't correspond to expected_type.
Ltac2 assert_type_equal (term:constr) (expected_type:constr) :=
  match (Constr.equal (eval cbv in (type_of $term)) (eval cbv in $expected_type)) with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Type is as expected")
    | false =>
      fail_test (concat
          (of_string "Type not as expected, got: ")
          (of_constr (eval cbv in (type_of $term)))
        ) (concat
          (of_string "but expected: ")
          (of_constr (eval cbv in ($expected_type)))

Checks if two constr are equal without normalization.
  • c1, c2: constr, any constr.
Raises exceptions:
  • TestFailedError, if c1 is not equal to c2.
Ltac2 assert_constr_equal (c1: constr) (c2: constr) :=
  match Constr.equal c1 c2 with
    | true => print_success (of_string "Constr indeed equal.")
    | false => fail_test (concat
            (of_string "Constr not equal, got: ")
            (of_constr c1)
        ) (concat
            (of_string " and: ")
            (of_constr c2)