Library Waterproof.Util.Since

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Waterprove.

Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.TypeCorrector.

Local Ltac2 get_type (x: constr) : constr := eval unfold type_of in (type_of $x).

Local Ltac2 check_if_not_reference (x : constr) :=
  let type_x := get_type x in
  match! type_x with
  | Prop => ()
  | Set => ()
  | Type => ()
  | _ => throw (concat_list
        [of_string "Cannot use reference "; of_constr x; of_string " with `Since`. Try `By "; of_constr x; of_string " ...` instead."])

Local Ltac2 check_if_not_statement (x : constr) :=
  let err_msg := concat_list
    [of_string "Cannot use statement "; of_constr x; of_string " with `By`. Try `Since "; of_constr x; of_string " ...` instead."]
  let type_x := get_type x in
  match! type_x with
  | Prop => throw err_msg
  | Set => throw err_msg
  | Type => throw err_msg
  | _ => ()

Attempts to prove claimed_cause with minimal automation, and then executes by_tactic with the proof of claimed_cause as an argument. Expects that by_tactic can throw a (Waterprove.)FailedToUse error, those errors are caught; the extra lemma that the automation failed to use is used in a new error that is thrown.

Ltac2 since_framework (by_tactic : constr -> unit) (claimed_cause : constr) :=
  let claimed_cause := correct_type_by_wrapping claimed_cause in
  check_if_not_reference claimed_cause;
  let id_cause := Fresh.in_goal @_temp in
  match (fun () =>
    assert $claimed_cause as $id_cause by
      (waterprove 1 true Shorten))
  | Err (FailedToProve _) =>
    throw (concat_list
      [of_string "State that "; of_constr claimed_cause; of_string " holds";
       of_string " before using it in `Since ...`."])
  | Err exn => exn
  | Val _ =>
    let cause := Control.hyp id_cause in
    match (fun () =>
      by_tactic cause)
    | Val _ => clear $id_cause
    | Err (FailedToUse h) =>
      let type_h := (get_type h) in
      clear $id_cause;
      throw (concat_list
        [of_string "Could not verify this follows from "; of_constr type_h; of_string "."])
    | Err exn => clear $id_cause; exn

Wrapper for the main functionality of 'By ...'-tactics, such that the main fucntionality can be reused in 'Since ...'-tactics.
Checks whether xtr_lemma is not a statement (i.e. not a Prop/Set/Type) and catches (Waterprove.)FailedToUse errors to turn them into user-readable errors.
Ltac2 wrapper_core_by_tactic (by_tactic : constr -> unit) (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
  check_if_not_statement xtr_lemma;
  match (fun () => by_tactic xtr_lemma) with
  | Val _ => ()
  | Err (FailedToUse h) => throw (concat_list
      [of_string "Could not verify this follows from "; of_constr h; of_string "."])
  | Err exn => exn