Library Waterproof.Tactics.Induction

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Evars.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.

Require Import Notations.Sets.

Lemma Sn_eq_nplus1 : forall n, S n = n + 1.
  intro n.
  induction n.
  rewrite IHn.

Open Scope subset_scope.

The induction principle we would like to use with sealed notations.
Lemma induction_principle_elements {P : nat -> Prop} :
    P 0 -> ( k nat, P k -> P (k + 1)) ->
     k nat, P k.
  intros H_base IH k k_in_nat.
  induction k as [| k IHk].
  - exact H_base.
  - rewrite Sn_eq_nplus1.
    apply IH.
    + exact I.
    + apply IHk.
      exact I.


Performs mathematical induction.
  • x: ident, the variable to perform the induction on.
  • performs induction on x.
  • If x is a natural number, the first goal is wrapped in NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper and the second goal is wrapped in NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper.
  • Otherwise, the resulting cases are wrapped in the StateGoal.Wrapper.
Ltac2 induction_without_hypothesis_naming (x: ident) :=
  lazy_match! Control.goal () with
  | _ conv nat, _ =>
      check_binder_warn (Control.goal ()) x true;
      apply induction_principle_elements;
      Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => apply NaturalInduction.Base.unwrap);
      Control.focus 2 2 (fun () =>
        let stmt :=
          change_binder_name_under_seal (Control.goal ()) x in
        change $stmt;
        apply NaturalInduction.Step.unwrap)
  | forall _ : nat, _ =>
      check_binder_warn (Control.goal ()) x true;
      intro $x;
      let x_hyp := Control.hyp x in
      let ih_x := Fresh.in_goal @_IH in
      induction $x_hyp as [| $x $ih_x];
      Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
        apply NaturalInduction.Base.unwrap);
      Control.focus 2 2 (fun () =>
        rewrite Sn_eq_nplus1;
        revert $ih_x;
        revert $x;
        apply NaturalInduction.Step.unwrap)
  | _ =>
    throw (of_string "Cannot apply natural induction on this goal.")

Local Ltac2 panic_ident_Qed (i : ident) :=
  if Ident.equal i @Qed
    then throw (of_string "Syntax error: variable name expected after 'on'.")
    else ().

Ltac2 Notation "We" "use" "induction" "on" x(ident) :=
  panic_ident_Qed (x);
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  induction_without_hypothesis_naming x.

* Removes the NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper.
  • t : constr, goal that is wrapped
  • removes the NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper from the goal
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the goal is the type t wrapped in the base case wrapper, i.e. the goal is not of the form NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper t.
Ltac2 base_case (t:constr) :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [|- NaturalInduction.Base.Wrapper ?v] =>
      match Constr.equal v t with
        | true => apply (NaturalInduction.Base.wrap)
        | false => throw (of_string "Wrong goal specified.")
    | [|- _] => throw (of_string "No need to indicate showing a base case.")

Ltac2 Notation "We" "first" "show" "the" "base" "case" t(constr) := base_case t.

* Removes the NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper.
Arguments: none
  • removes the NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper from the goal
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the goal is not wrapped in the induction step case wrapper, i.e. the goal is not of the form NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper G for some type G.
Ltac2 induction_step () :=
  lazy_match! goal with
    | [|- NaturalInduction.Step.Wrapper _] => apply (NaturalInduction.Step.wrap)
    | [|- _] => throw (of_string "No need to indicate showing an induction step.")

Ltac2 Notation "We" "now" "show" "the" "induction" "step" := induction_step ().