Library Waterproof.Tactics.ItHolds
Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.
Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.Hypothesis.
Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.Since.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Util.TypeCorrector.
Require Import Waterprove.
Require Import Waterproof.Tactics.Help.
Require Import Notations.Sets.
Tries to make the assertion True with label label.
Throws an error if this fails, i.e. if the label is already used
for another one of the hypotheses.
This check was separated out from the 'assert'-tactics below because the
'label is already used error' would otherwise be caught in
the code meant to catch AutomationFailure errors.
Local Ltac2 try_out_label (label : ident) :=
match (fun () =>
assert True as $label by exact I)
| Err exn => exn
| Val _ => clear $label
Attempts to assert that claim holds, if succesful claim is added to the local
hypotheses. If label is specified claim is given label as its identifier, otherwise an
identifier starting with '_H' is generated.
Additionally, if argument postpone is true, actually proving the claim is postponed.
The claim is asserted and the proof is given up on using admit.
Local Ltac2 wp_assert (claim : constr) (label : ident option) (postpone : bool):=
let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."] in
let id :=
match label with
| None => Fresh.in_goal @_H
| Some label => try_out_label label; label
let claim := correct_type_by_wrapping claim in
if postpone
assert $claim as $id;
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to provide an actual proof of ";
of_constr claim; of_string "."])
match (fun () =>
assert $claim as $id by
(waterprove 5 true Main))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
| Err exn => exn
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."] in
let id :=
match label with
| None => Fresh.in_goal @_H
| Some label => try_out_label label; label
let claim := correct_type_by_wrapping claim in
if postpone
assert $claim as $id;
Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
warn (concat_list [of_string "Please come back later to provide an actual proof of ";
of_constr claim; of_string "."])
match (fun () =>
assert $claim as $id by
(waterprove 5 true Main))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
| Err exn => exn
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
Attempts to assert that claim holds, if succesful claim is added to the local
hypotheses. If label is specified claim is given label as its identifier, otherwise an
identifier starting with '_H' is generated.
xtr_lemma has to be used in the proof that claim holds.
Local Ltac2 core_wp_assert_by (claim : constr) (label : ident option) (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."] in
let id :=
match label with
| None => Fresh.in_goal @_H
| Some label => try_out_label label; label
let claim := correct_type_by_wrapping claim in
match (fun () =>
assert $claim as $id by
(rwaterprove 5 true Main xtr_lemma))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
| Err exn => exn
let err_msg (g : constr) := concat_list
[of_string "Could not verify that "; of_constr g; of_string "."] in
let id :=
match label with
| None => Fresh.in_goal @_H
| Some label => try_out_label label; label
let claim := correct_type_by_wrapping claim in
match (fun () =>
assert $claim as $id by
(rwaterprove 5 true Main xtr_lemma))
| Val _ => ()
| Err (FailedToProve g) => throw (err_msg g)
| Err exn => exn
Adaptation of core_wp_assert_by that turns the FailedToUse errors
which might be thrown into user readable errors.
Local Ltac2 wp_assert_by (claim : constr) (label : ident option) (xtr_lemma : constr) :=
wrapper_core_by_tactic (core_wp_assert_by claim label) xtr_lemma;
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
wrapper_core_by_tactic (core_wp_assert_by claim label) xtr_lemma;
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
Adaptation of core_wp_assert_by that allows user to use mathematical statements themselves
instead of references to them as extra information for the automation system.
Uses the code in Since.v.
Local Ltac2 wp_assert_since (claim : constr) (label : ident option) (xtr_claim : constr) :=
since_framework (core_wp_assert_by claim label) xtr_claim;
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
since_framework (core_wp_assert_by claim label) xtr_claim;
HelpNewHyp.suggest_how_to_use claim label.
Attempts to assert a claim and proves it automatically using a specified lemma,
this lemma has to be used.
Raises exception:
- xtr_lemma: constr, reference to a lemma used to prove the claim (via rwaterprove).
- label: ident option, optional name for the claim. If the proof succeeds, it will become a hypothesis (bearing label as name).
- claim: constr, the actual content of the claim to prove.
- (fatal) if rwaterprove fails to prove the claim using the specified lemma.
- [label] is already used, if there is already another hypothesis with identifier label.
Ltac2 Notation "By" xtr_lemma(constr) "it" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert_by claim label xtr_lemma.
Ltac2 Notation "Since" xtr_claim(constr) "it" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert_since claim label xtr_claim.
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert_by claim label xtr_lemma.
Ltac2 Notation "Since" xtr_claim(constr) "it" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert_since claim label xtr_claim.
It holds that ... (...)
Attempts to assert a claim and proves it automatically. Removes StateHyp.Wrapper wrapper from the goal (proving claim by automation not necessary).- label: ident option, optional name for the claim. If the proof succeeds, it will become a hypothesis (bearing label as name).
- claim: constr, the actual content of the claim to prove.
- (fatal) if rwaterprove fails to prove the claim using the specified lemma.
- [label] is already used, if there is already another hypothesis with identifier label.
- (fatal) If goal is wrapped in StateHyp.Wrapper and the wrong statement is specified.
Local Ltac2 wp_assert_with_unwrap (claim : constr) (label : ident option) :=
match label with | None => () | Some label => try_out_label label end;
match! goal with
| [h : ?s |- StateHyp.Wrapper ?s ?h_spec _] =>
let h_constr := Control.hyp h in
if check_constr_equal h_constr h_spec
then ()
else fail;
let w := match label with
| None => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H
| Some label => label
end in
if check_constr_equal s claim
match (fun () => assert $claim as $w by exact $h_constr) with
| Val _ =>
apply (StateHyp.wrap $s);
Std.clear [h]
| Err exn => print (of_string "Exception occurred"); print (of_exn exn)
else throw (of_string "Wrong statement specified.")
| [|- _] =>
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert claim label false
Ltac2 Notation "It" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
wp_assert_with_unwrap claim label.
match label with | None => () | Some label => try_out_label label end;
match! goal with
| [h : ?s |- StateHyp.Wrapper ?s ?h_spec _] =>
let h_constr := Control.hyp h in
if check_constr_equal h_constr h_spec
then ()
else fail;
let w := match label with
| None => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H
| Some label => label
end in
if check_constr_equal s claim
match (fun () => assert $claim as $w by exact $h_constr) with
| Val _ =>
apply (StateHyp.wrap $s);
Std.clear [h]
| Err exn => print (of_string "Exception occurred"); print (of_exn exn)
else throw (of_string "Wrong statement specified.")
| [|- _] =>
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert claim label false
Ltac2 Notation "It" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
wp_assert_with_unwrap claim label.
By magic it holds that ... (...)
Asserts a claim and gives up on proof using admit.- label: ident option, optional name for the claim.
- claim: constr, the actual content of the claim to prove.
- [label] is already used, if there is already another hypothesis with identifier label.
- Please come back later to provide an actual proof of [claim]., always.
Ltac2 Notation "By" "magic" "it" "holds" "that" claim(constr) label(opt(seq("(", ident, ")"))) :=
panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
wp_assert claim label true.