Library Waterproof.Tactics.Specialize

Require Import Ltac2.Ltac2.
Require Import Ltac2.Message.
Local Ltac2 concat_list (ls : message list) : message :=
  List.fold_right concat (of_string "") ls.

Require Import Util.Binders.
Require Import Util.Constr.
Require Import Util.Init.
Require Import Util.Goals.
Require Import Util.MessagesToUser.
Require Import Util.Evars.
Require Import Notations.Sets.

Convert a (ident * constr) to a (Std.hypothesis * constr) list, by applying Std.NamedHyp to the first arguments of the pairs.
Local Ltac2 _ident_to_hyp_list (ls : (ident * constr) list) : (Std.hypothesis * constr) list
 := (fun (i, x) => (Std.NamedHyp i, x)) ls.

Get those names from a list of pairs of idents and choice for those idents, and selects those names where the choice has an evar.
Local Ltac2 _names_evars (ls : (ident * constr) list) : ident list
 := (fun (i, x) => i) (List.filter (fun (i, x) => Constr.has_evar x) ls).

Helper function to make a message of a list of idents, joining them together separated by commas.
Local Ltac2 rec _of_idents (xs : ident list) : message
 := match List.rev(xs) with
    | t::[] => of_ident t
    | t::ls => concat_list [_of_idents (List.rev(ls)); of_string ", "; of_ident t]
    | [] => of_string ""

Checks whether a list is empty. TODO: the standard library has this function in a later version, we should use it in later versions.
Local Ltac2 is_empty (ls : 'a list) : bool
 := match ls with
    | _::_ => false
    | [] => true

Get all product binders at the beginning of a for-all type
Ltac2 rec get_prod_binders (x : constr) : binder list :=
  match Constr.Unsafe.kind x with
  | Constr.Unsafe.Prod a y => a :: get_prod_binders y
  | _ => []

Local Ltac2 _binder_name_equal (name : ident) (b : binder) :=
  match b with
  | None => false
  | Some binder_name => Ident.equal name binder_name

Exceptions for internal use, they should not be visible to the end user, and in principle shouldn't occur.
Ltac2 Type exn ::= [ Binder_not_found (message) ].

Helper function to get the type of a binder with a given name from a list of binders.
Local Ltac2 _get_binder_type_from_binder_list (name : ident) (b_list : binder list) : constr :=
  match List.find_opt (_binder_name_equal name) b_list with
  | None => Control.throw (Binder_not_found (concat_list [of_string "The variable "; of_ident name; of_string " was not found."]))
  | Some b => Constr.Binder.type b

Find out which binders in the goal come with an immediate implication from a set i.e. which binders occur as in forall b, b B -> ...
Returns: ((binder * constr * ident * int) list) * int - the list contains all binders b for which the forall statement is immediately followed by a statement of the form b B -> ... the binder variable in the list is just b, the constr corresponds to B, the ident is the name that was assigned to the binder, this is useful because some sets B may depend on the names assigned to previous binders. The final int corresponds to how many anonymous hypotheses there are in the beginning part of the goal, consisting of only forall-statements and implications.
The int j in the list corresponds to the nr of the anonymous hypothesis corresponding to the statement b B, in the sense that b B is the (final int - j)th anonymous hyp. This counting is improved in the get_binders_from_implication_from_goal below.
Ltac2 rec get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux () :
  ((binder * constr * ident * int) list) * int :=
  let add_binder_cond_and_name (b : binder) (cond : constr) (w : ident) :=
    (let wH := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @___aux_H in
                  intro $wH;
                  let (b_list, ct) := get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux () in
                  ((b, cond, w, ct) :: b_list, Int.add ct 1) ) in
  lazy_match! goal with
  | [ |- _ -> ?x] =>
    let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @___aux in
    intro $w;
    let (b_list, ct) := get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux () in
    (b_list, Int.add ct 1)
  | [ |- forall _ : _, _ ] =>
    match Constr.Unsafe.kind (Control.goal ()) with
    | Constr.Unsafe.Prod b a =>
      match b with
      | None =>
        let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @___aux in
        intro $w;
        let (b_list, ct) := get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux () in
        (b_list, Int.add ct 1)
      | Some b_name =>
          let w_opt := Ident.of_string (String.concat "" ["_temp_sp_"; Ident.to_string b_name]) in
          let w := match w_opt with
            | None => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_temp_
            | Some w_id => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) w_id
            end in
          intro $w;
          lazy_match! (Control.goal ()) with
          | (?cond -> _) =>
            match! cond with
            | ?predicate ?var =>
              if Bool.and (constr_is_ident var w) (constr_does_not_contain_ident predicate w) then
                add_binder_cond_and_name b cond w
                match! cond with
                | ?other_pred ?var_1 ?other_arg =>
                    if Bool.and (constr_is_ident var_1 w)
                      (Bool.and (constr_does_not_contain_ident other_pred w)
                                (constr_does_not_contain_ident other_arg w)) then
                      add_binder_cond_and_name b cond w
                      get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux ()
                | _ => get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux ()
            | _ =>
              get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux ()
          | _ =>
            get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux ()
    | _ => throw (of_string "Expected a product type");
      get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux ()
  | [ |- _] => ([], 0)

Find out which binders in the goal come with an immediate implication from a set, i.e. which binders occur as in forall b, b B -> ...
Returns: ((binder * constr * ident * int) list) - the list contains all binders b for which the forall statement is immediately followed by a statement of the form b B -> ... the binder variable in the list is just b, the constr corresponds to B, the ident is the name that was assigned to the binder, this is useful because some sets B may depend on the names assigned to previous binders. The int in the list is the nr of the anonymous hypothesis corresponding to the statement b B.
Ltac2 get_binders_with_implication_from_goal () :
    (binder * constr * ident * int) list :=
  let (b_list, total) := get_binders_with_implication_from_goal_aux () in (fun (b, c, id, i) =>
    (b, c, id, Int.sub total i)) b_list.

Find out which binders in the provided hypothesis come with an immediate implication from a set, i.e. which binders occur as in forall b, b B -> ...
Returns: ((binder * constr * ident * int) list) - the list contains all binders b for which the forall statement is immediately followed by a statement of the form b B -> ... the binder variable in the list is just b, the constr corresponds to B, the ident is the name that was assigned to the binder, this is useful because some sets B may depend on the names assigned to previous binders. The int in the list is the nr of the anonymous hypothesis corresponding to the statement b B.
Ltac2 get_binders_with_implication_from_hyp (hyp : constr) : (binder * constr * ident * int) list :=
  let hyp_constr := hyp in
  let hyp_type := Constr.type hyp_constr in
  let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @___aux in
  assert (False -> $hyp_type) as $w;
  let b_list := Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
    let false_key := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @__false_key in
    Std.intro (Some false_key) None;
    let binder_list :=
      get_binders_with_implication_from_goal () in
    let key := Control.hyp false_key in
    destruct $key;
    binder_list) in
  clear $w;

Open Scope subset_scope.

Ltac2 mutable test_insertion := fun () => ().

Specializes a hypothesis that starts with a for-all statement.
The user supplies names and choices for the bound variables in a given hypothesis. The tactic then specializes the hypothesis with the given choices. The choices are allowed to contain clanks. The unnamed holes will be filled in with named evars based on the names of the bound variables.
  • var_choice_list : (ident * constr) list, list of names for variables together with choices for those variables
  • in_hyp : ident, name of the hypothesis to specialize.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the hypothesis in_hyp does not start with a for-all statement.
Local Ltac2 wp_specialize (var_choice_list : (ident * constr) list) (h:constr) :=
  let statement := eval unfold type_of in (type_of $h) in
  lazy_match! statement with
      _ -> ?x =>
      throw (of_string "`Use ... in (*)` only works if (*) starts with a for-all quantifier.")
    | forall _ : _, _ =>
      let binder_types :=
        match (fun () => get_binders_with_implication_from_hyp h) with
        | Val (x, _) => x
        | Err exn => warn (concat_list [of_string "Could not understand the structure with the involved sets. A simplified version of 'Use' is used.";
      fnl () ; of_string "This is a not a problem, but you may report this example, mentioning the exception:"; fnl (); of_exn exn]); []
        end in
      let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
      let def_list := (fun (i, c) =>
          let id_opt :=
              Ident.of_string (String.concat "" ["_temp_sp_"; Ident.to_string i]) in
          let aux_x := match id_opt with
          | None => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_aux_sp_
          | Some temp_id => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) temp_id
          end in
          pose ($aux_x := $c);
          (i, aux_x)) var_choice_list in
      let wrapped_var_choice_list := (fun (i, aux_x) => (i, Control.hyp aux_x)) def_list in
      Std.specialize (h, Std.ExplicitBindings
        (_ident_to_hyp_list wrapped_var_choice_list))
        (Some (Std.IntroNaming (Std.IntroIdentifier w)));
      let evars := _names_evars var_choice_list in
      match is_empty evars with
      | true => ()
      | false => warn (concat_list (
          [of_string "Please come back to this line later to make a definite choice for ";
            _of_idents evars; of_string "."]));
          assert_fix_earlier_warning ()
      List.fold_right (fun (i, c) () =>
        rename_blank_evars_in_term (Ident.to_string i) c) () var_choice_list;
      match ( fun () =>
        test_insertion ();
        let new_hyp_list :=
          List.fold_left (fun prev_id_list (bin, con, id, nr) =>
          match List.find_opt (fun (i, aux_x) =>
            Ident.equal id aux_x) def_list with
          | None => prev_id_list
          | Some (_, aux_x) =>
            Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
              let aux_id := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
              let fresh_of_id := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) id in
              let id_c := Control.hyp aux_x in
              enough ($con) as $aux_id;
              (nr, aux_id) :: prev_id_list)
          end) binder_types [] in
        Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
        let constr_w := Control.hyp w in
        let type_w := Constr.type constr_w in
        Std.specialize (constr_w, Std.ExplicitBindings
        ( (fun (nr, aux_id) =>
          let aux_id_c := Control.hyp aux_id in
          (Std.AnonHyp nr, aux_id_c)) new_hyp_list))
        Control.focus 2 (Int.add (List.length new_hyp_list) 1) (fun () =>
          apply StateGoal.unwrap)) with
      | Val _ => ()
      | Err exn => warn (concat_list [of_string "Could not understand the structure with the involved sets. A simplified version of 'Use' is used.";
      fnl () ; of_string "This is a not a problem, but you may report this example, mentioning the exception:"; fnl (); of_exn exn])
      Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
        let new_w_c := Control.hyp w in
        let new_w_t := Constr.type new_w_c in
        apply (StateHyp.unwrap $new_w_t $new_w_c));
      List.iter (fun (i, c) => subst $c) def_list
    | _ => throw (of_string "`Use ... in (*)` only works if (*) starts with a for-all quantifier.")

Ltac2 wp_specialize_one (var_choice : ident * ident) (id : ident) :=
  let h := Control.hyp id in
  let type_of_h := Constr.type h in
  let (var, choice) := var_choice in
  let is_sealed :=
    lazy_match! (Constr.type h) with
    | seal _ _ => true
    | _ => false
    end in
  let statement :=
    if is_sealed then
      (eval unfold seal at 1 in $type_of_h)
    else type_of_h in
  match check_binder_name statement var false with
  | None => ()
  | Some first_guessed_name =>
    match check_binder_name statement var true with
    | None => ()
    | Some second_guessed_name =>
      if Ident.equal first_guessed_name second_guessed_name then
        warn (concat_list [of_string "Expected variable name "; of_ident first_guessed_name;
          of_string " instead of "; of_ident var; of_string "."])
        warn (concat_list [of_string "Expected variable name "; of_ident first_guessed_name;
          of_string " or " ;
          of_ident second_guessed_name; of_string " instead of " ; of_ident var;
          of_string "."])
  let aux_id := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_aux in
  assert $statement as $aux_id;
  Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact $h);
  let aux_c := Control.hyp aux_id in
  let choice_c := Control.hyp choice in
  specialize ($aux_c $choice_c);
  if is_sealed then
    let aux_c := Control.hyp aux_id in
    lazy_match! (Constr.type aux_c) with
    | ?con -> _ =>
        let w := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
        enough ($con) as $w;
        Control.focus 2 2 (fun () =>
          unfold ge_op, R_ge_type, nat_ge_type, gt_op, R_gt_type, nat_gt_type,
          lt_op, R_lt_type, nat_lt_type, le_op, R_le_type, nat_le_type;
          apply VerifyGoal.unwrap);
        Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
          let w_c := Control.hyp w in
          specialize ($aux_c $w_c))
    | _ => ()
  else ();
  Std.rename [(id, aux_id); (aux_id, id)];
  Std.clear [aux_id].

Specializes a hypothesis that starts with a for-all statement.
The user supplies names and choices for the bound variables in a given hypothesis. The tactic then specializes the hypothesis with the given choices. The choices are allowed to contain clanks. The unnamed holes will be filled in with named evars based on the names of the bound variables.
  • var_choice_list : (ident * constr) list, list of names for variables together with choices for those variables
  • in_hyp : ident, name of the hypothesis to specialize.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the hypothesis in_hyp does not start with a for-all statement.
Local Ltac2 wp_specialize' (var_choice_list : (ident * constr) list) (h:constr) :=
  let possibly_sealed_statement :=
     eval unfold type_of in (type_of $h) in
  let statement :=
    match! possibly_sealed_statement with
    | seal _ _ => eval unfold seal at 1 in $possibly_sealed_statement
    | _ => possibly_sealed_statement
    end in
  let aux_id := Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_H in
  assert $possibly_sealed_statement as $aux_id;
  Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => exact $h);
  let def_list := (fun (i, c) =>
      let id_opt :=
          Ident.of_string (String.concat "" ["_temp_sp_"; Ident.to_string i]) in
      let aux_x := match id_opt with
      | None => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) @_aux_sp_
      | Some temp_id => Fresh.fresh (Fresh.Free.of_goal ()) temp_id
      end in
      set ($aux_x := $c);
      (i, aux_x)) var_choice_list in
  let evars := _names_evars var_choice_list in
  match is_empty evars with
  | true => ()
  | false => warn (concat_list (
      [of_string "Please come back to this line later to make a definite choice for ";
        _of_idents evars; of_string "."]));
      assert_fix_earlier_warning ()
  lazy_match! statement with
    | _ -> ?x =>
      throw (of_string "`Use ... in (*)` only works if (*) starts with a for-all quantifier.")
    | forall _ : _, _ =>
      List.iter (fun x => Control.focus 1 1 (fun () => wp_specialize_one x aux_id)) def_list;
      Control.focus 1 1 (fun () =>
        let new_w_c := Control.hyp aux_id in
        let new_w_t := Constr.type new_w_c in
      List.iter (fun (i, c) =>
        rename_blank_evars_in_term (Ident.to_string i) c) var_choice_list;
      apply (StateHyp.unwrap $new_w_t $new_w_c));
      List.iter (fun (i, c) => subst $c) def_list;
    | _ => throw (of_string "`Use ... in (*)` only works if (*) starts with a for-all quantifier.")

Specializes a hypothesis that starts with a for-all statement.
  • var_choice_list : (ident * constr) list, list of names for variables together with choices for those variables
  • in_hyp : ident, name of the hypothesis to specialize.
Raises fatal exceptions:
  • If the hypothesis in_hyp does not start with a for-all statement.
Ltac2 Notation "Use" var_choice_list(list1(seq(ident, ":=", open_constr), ","))
    "in" "(" in_hyp(constr) ")" :=
  panic_if_goal_wrapped ();
  wp_specialize' var_choice_list in_hyp.