Library Waterproof.Libs.Analysis.LimsupLiminfBolzano

Require Import Coq.Reals.Reals.
Require Import Lra.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import Classical_Pred_Type.

Require Import Automation.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.Sequences.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.Subsequences.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.SupAndInf.
Require Import Libs.Analysis.SequentialAccumulationPoints.
Require Import Notations.
Require Import Tactics.

Waterproof Enable Automation RealsAndIntegers.

Open Scope R_scope.

# lim sup
Definition lim_sup_bdd (a : )
                       (pr1 : has_ub a)
                       (pr2 : has_lb (sequence_ub a pr1))
:= decreasing_cv (sequence_ub a pr1) (Wn_decreasing a pr1) (pr2).

Lemma lim_const_min_1_over_n_plus_1 :
   x : , Un_cv (fun (n : ) x - 1 / (INR n + 1)) x.
Take x : .
    It holds that (x = x - 0) (i).
    rewrite (i) at 1.
    apply CV_minus with
      (An := fun (n : ) x)
      (Bn := fun (n : ) 1 / (INR n + 1))
      (l1 := x)
      (l2 := 0).
    - We need to show that ((constant_sequence x) x).
      By lim_const_seq we conclude that ((constant_sequence x) x).
    - We need to show that (Un_cv d 0).
      By lim_d_0 we conclude that (Un_cv d 0).

Lemma exists_almost_lim_sup :
   (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (ii : has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (m : ) (N₀ : ),
     k : , (N₀ k)%nat a k > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (INR(m) + 1).
    To show : (
       (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (ii : has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (m : ) (N₀ : ),
     k : , (N₀ k)%nat a k > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (INR(m) + 1)).
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Assume that (has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (ii).
    Take m, N₀: .
    By exists_almost_lim_sup_aux it holds that
      ( n : , (n N₀)%nat a n > sequence_ub a (i) N₀ - 1 / (INR(m) + 1)).
    Obtain such an n. It holds that
      ((n N₀)%nat a n > sequence_ub a (i) N₀ - 1 / (INR(m) + 1)) (iii).
    Choose k := n.
    We show both statements.
    - We need to show that (N₀ k)%nat.
      We conclude that (N₀ <= k)%nat.
    - We need to show that (a k > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (m + 1)).
      We claim that (proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) sequence_ub a (i) N₀).
      { We need to show that
          (proj1_sig(_, _, decreasing_cv (sequence_ub a (i), (Wn_decreasing a (i)), (ii)))
             sequence_ub a (i) N₀).
        Define v := (decreasing_cv (sequence_ub a (i)) (Wn_decreasing a (i)) (ii)).
        clear _defeq0.
        Obtain such an l.
        We need to show that (l sequence_ub a (i) N₀).
        By Wn_decreasing it holds that (Un_decreasing (sequence_ub a (i))).
        By decreasing_ineq we conclude that (l <= sequence_ub a (i) N₀).
      Because (iii) both (n N₀)%nat and
        (a n > sequence_ub a i N₀ - 1 / (m + 1)) hold.
      It holds that (proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (m + 1) a n) (v).
      We need to show that (proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (m + 1) < a k).
      We conclude that (& proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (m + 1) < a n = a k).

Lemma exists_subseq_to_limsup_bdd :
    (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (ii : has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))),
     n : , is_index_seq n k : , a (n k) > proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (INR(k) + 1).
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Assume that (has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (ii).
    apply exists_good_subseq with (P := fun (m : ) (y :) y > proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (INR(m) + 1) ).
    Take m, N₀ : nat.
    By exists_almost_lim_sup we conclude that (there exists k : , (N₀ k)%nat
       a k > proj1_sig(_, _, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (m + 1)).

Lemma sequence_ub_bds :
   (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (N₀ : ) (n : ),
    (n N₀)%nat a n sequence_ub a (i) N₀.
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Take N₀, n : ; such that (n N₀)%nat.
    We need to show that (a n lub (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat), maj_ss a N₀ (i))).
    We need to show that
      (a n (let (a0, _) := ub_to_lub (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat), maj_ss a N₀ (i)) in a0)).
    Define ii := (ub_to_lub (fun (k : ) a (N₀ +k)%nat) (maj_ss a N₀ (i))).
    clear _defeq.
    Obtain such an l. It holds that
      (is_lub (EUn (fun (k : ) a (N₀ +k)%nat)) l).
    It holds that (Raxioms.is_upper_bound (EUn (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat)), l)
       (for all b : , Raxioms.is_upper_bound (EUn (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat)), b) l b)) (iii).
    Because (iii) both (Raxioms.is_upper_bound (EUn (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat)), l))
      and (for all b : , Raxioms.is_upper_bound (EUn (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat)), b) l b) hold.
    It holds that (for all x : , EUn (fun k (a (N₀ + k)%nat), x) x l).
    It holds that (N₀ + (n-N₀) = n)%nat.
    It suffices to show that (EUn (fun (k : ) (a (N₀ + k)%nat)) (a n)).
    We need to show that (there exists k : , a n = a (N₀ + k)%nat).
    We need to show that ( k : , a n = a (N₀ + k)%nat).
    Choose k := (n - N₀)%nat.
    We conclude that (& a n = a (N₀ + n - N₀)%nat = a (N₀ + k)%nat).

# A slightly upgraded version of the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Theorem Bolzano_Weierstrass_gen :
   (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (ii : has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))),
     (n : ), is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun (k : ) a (n k)) (proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii))).
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Assume that (has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (ii).
    Define L_with_proof := (lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)).
    Define L := (proj1_sig L_with_proof).
    Define sequence_ub_cv_to_L := (proj2_sig L_with_proof).
    We claim that ( m : , is_index_seq m
       k : , a (m k) > L - 1 / (INR(k) + 1)).
      By exists_subseq_to_limsup_bdd it holds that
        (there exists m_seq : , is_index_seq m_seq
           (for all k : , a (m_seq k) > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (k + 1))).
      Obtain such an m_seq. It holds that
       (is_index_seq m_seq
        (for all k : , a (m_seq k) > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a i ii) - 1 / (k + 1))) (v).
      Because (v) both (is_index_seq m_seq) and
        (for all k : , a (m_seq k) > proj1_sig(_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) - 1 / (k + 1)) (vi) hold.
      Choose m := m_seq.
      We show both statements.
      - We need to show that (is_index_seq m).
        We conclude that (is_index_seq m).
      - We need to show that (for all k : , a (m k) > L - 1 / (k + 1)).
        By (vi) we conclude that ( k : , a (m k) > L - 1 / (INR(k) + 1)).
    Obtain such an m. It holds that
      (is_index_seq m (for all k : , a (m k) > L - 1 / (k + 1))) (iv).
    Because (iv) both (is_index_seq m) (v) and
      (for all k : , a (m k) > L - 1 / (k + 1)) (vi) hold.
    Choose n := m.
    We need to show that (is_index_seq m Un_cv (fun k a(m(k)), L)).
    We show both statements.
    - We need to show that (is_index_seq m).
      It suffices to show that (is_index_seq n).
      By (v) we conclude that (is_index_seq n).
    - We need to show that (Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), L)).
TODO: an equivalent to "apply with" would be nice here
      apply (squeeze_theorem (fun (k : ) L - 1 / (INR k + 1))
        (fun (k : ) (a (n k)))
        (sequence_ub a (i))).
        To show : (for all k : ,
          L - 1 / (k + 1) <= a(n(k)) <= sequence_ub(a, i, k)).
        Take k : .
        We show both statements.
        * We need to show that (L - 1 / (k + 1) a (n k)).
          By (vi) it holds that (a (m k) > L - 1 / (k+1)).
          We conclude that (L - 1 / (k + 1) a (n k)).
        * We need to show that (a (n k) sequence_ub a (i) k).
          By index_seq_grows_0 it holds that (m k k)%nat.
          By sequence_ub_bds we conclude that (a (n k) sequence_ub a (i) k).
        We need to show that (Un_cv (fun k (L - 1 / (k + 1))) L).
        By lim_const_min_1_over_n_plus_1 we conclude that (Un_cv (fun k L - 1 / (k + 1), L)).
      + By sequence_ub_cv_to_L we conclude that (sequence_ub a (i) L).

# The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Theorem Bolzano_Weierstrass :
   (a : ), has_ub a (has_lb a
     (n : ) (l : ), is_index_seq n
      Un_cv (fun (k : ) a (n k)) l ).
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Assume that (has_lb a) (ii).
    Define iii := (maj_min a (i) (ii)).
    By Bolzano_Weierstrass_gen it holds that
      ( (n0 : ), is_index_seq n0
         Un_cv (fun (k : ) a (n0 k)) (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (iii)))) (iv).
    Obtain such an n0. It holds that
      (is_index_seq n0
        Un_cv (fun (k : ) a (n0 k)) (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (iii)))) (v).
    Choose n := n0.
    Choose l := (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (iii))).
    By (v) it suffices to show that (is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (iii)))).
    By (v) we conclude that (is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (iii)))).

Lemma acc_pt_bds_seq_ub :
   (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (x : ),
    is_seq_acc_pt a x m : , x sequence_ub a (i) m.
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Take x : .
    Assume that (is_seq_acc_pt a x).
    It holds that (there exists n : , is_index_seq n
       Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)).
    Obtain such an n. It holds that
      (is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)) (iii).
    Because (iii) both (is_index_seq n) and (Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)) hold.
    Take m : .
    Define L := (sequence_ub a (i) m).
    We argue by contradiction.
    Assume that (~ x <= L).
    It holds that (L < x).
    Define ε := (x - L).
    It holds that (ε > 0).
    It holds that ( K : , k : , (k K)%nat R_dist (a (n k)) x < ε).
    Obtain such a K. Define N₀ := (Nat.max K m).
    It holds that (R_dist (a (n N₀)) x < ε).
    By Rabs_def2 it holds that (a (n N₀) - x < ε - ε < a (n N₀) - x) (v).
    Because (v) both (a (n N₀) - x < ε) and (- ε < a (n N₀) - x) hold.
    It holds that (x - a (n N₀) < x - L).
    It holds that (a (n N₀) > L).
    By index_seq_grows_0 it holds that (n N₀ N₀)%nat.
    By sequence_ub_bds it holds that (a (n N₀) L).

# Comparing definitions of lim sup
Lemma lim_sup_bdd_is_lub_seq_acc_pts :
   (a : ) (i : has_ub a) (ii : has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))),
    is_lub (is_seq_acc_pt a) (proj1_sig (_,_, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii))).
    Take a : ( ).
    Assume that (has_ub a) (i).
    Assume that (has_lb (sequence_ub a (i))) (ii).
    We need to show that
      (Raxioms.is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) (proj1_sig (_,_, lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)))
       (for all b : , Raxioms.is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) b proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) b)).
    We show both statements.
    - We need to show that (Raxioms.is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)))).
      We need to show that (for all x : , is_seq_acc_pt a x x proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii))).
      Take x : .
      Assume that (is_seq_acc_pt a x).
      By acc_pt_bds_seq_ub it holds that ( m : , x sequence_ub a (i) m).
      Define iii := (lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)).
      clear _defeq.
      Obtain such an l. simpl.
      By (low_bd_seq_is_low_bd_lim (sequence_ub a (i)))
          it holds that (l x).
      We conclude that (x l).
    - We need to show that (for all b : , Raxioms.is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) b
         proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)) b).
      Take b : ; such that (Raxioms.is_upper_bound (is_seq_acc_pt a) b).
      It holds that (for all x : , is_seq_acc_pt a x x b).
      It holds that (for all x : ,
        (there exists n : , is_index_seq n Un_cv (fun k a(n(k)), x)) x b) (iii).
      By (iii) it suffices to show that (there exists n : , is_index_seq n
         Un_cv (fun k a(n(k))) (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)))).
      By Bolzano_Weierstrass_gen we conclude that (there exists n : , is_index_seq n
         Un_cv (fun k a(n(k))) (proj1_sig (_,_,lim_sup_bdd a (i) (ii)))).

# Some attempts to get nicer subsequences In a sequence, either there are finitely many terms larger than or equal to a given number , or for every there is an such that .
Lemma finite_or_find_one :
   (a : ) (L : ),
    ( N : , k : , (k >= N)%nat a k < L)
    ( m : , n : , (n >= m)%nat a n L).
    Take a : ( ).
    Take L : .
    Define P := ( N : , k : , (k >= N)%nat a k < L).
    By classic it holds that (P \/ ~P) (i).
    Because (i) either P or (¬P) holds.
    - Case P.
    - Case (¬P).
      It holds that (~ N : , k : , (k >= N)%nat a k < L) (ii).
      We conclude that ( m : , n : , (n m)%nat a n L).

Close Scope R_scope.